
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/左右通用树视图/

给定一个由 N 节点组成的类属树,任务是找到给定类属树的左右视图


输入: 1 /\ 2 3 /\/\ \ 4 5 6 7 8

输出: 左视图:1 2 4 右视图:1 3 8 说明: 从左侧看树,那么可见的节点是 1 2 4。 从右侧看树,可见的节点是 1 3 8。

输入: 1 /\ 2 3 /\ 4 5 6 \ 7 输出: 左视图:1 2 4 7 右视图:1 3 6 7





// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Structure of Node
struct Node {
    int val;
    vector<Node*> child;

// Utility function to create a
// new tree node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->val = key;
    return temp;

// Function to get the left view and
// right view of the given tree
void getLeftRightview(Node* root)
    // Stores the nodes of each level
    queue<Node*> curNodes;

    // Push the root to initiate the
    // level ordered traversal

    // Stores the left and right views
    vector<int> leftView, rightView;

    // Iterate until queue is non-empty
    while (!curNodes.empty()) {

        // Find the number of ndoes in
        // current level
        int n = curNodes.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            Node* cur = curNodes.front();

            // If the node is first node
            // in the level
            if (i == 0)

            // If the node is last node
            // in the level
            if (i == n - 1)

            // Push all the childs of the
            // current node into the queue
            for (int it = 0;
                 it < cur->child.size(); it++) {

    // Print the left view
    cout << "Left View: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < leftView.size(); i++)
        cout << leftView[i] << ' ';
    cout << endl;

    // Print the right view
    cout << "RIght View: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < rightView.size(); i++)
        cout << rightView[i] << ' ';

// Driver Code
int main()
    Node* root = newNode(1);


    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class Main

    // Structure of Node
    static class Node {

        public int val;
        public Vector<Node> child;

        public Node(int key)
            val = key;
            child = new Vector<Node>();

    // Utility function to create a
    // new tree node
    static Node newNode(int key)
        Node temp = new Node(key);
        return temp;

    // Function to get the left view and
    // right view of the given tree
    static void getLeftRightview(Node root)
        // Stores the nodes of each level
        Vector<Node> curNodes = new Vector<Node>();

        // Push the root to initiate the
        // level ordered traversal

        // Stores the left and right views
        Vector<Integer> leftView = new Vector<Integer>();
        Vector<Integer> rightView = new Vector<Integer>();

        // Iterate until queue is non-empty
        while (curNodes.size() > 0) {

            // Find the number of ndoes in
            // current level
            int n = curNodes.size();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                Node cur = (Node)curNodes.get(0);

                // If the node is first node
                // in the level
                if (i == 0)

                // If the node is last node
                // in the level
                if (i == n - 1)

                // Push all the childs of the
                // current node into the queue
                for (int it = 0; it < cur.child.size(); it++) {

        // Print the left view
        System.out.print("Left View: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < leftView.size(); i++)
            System.out.print(leftView.get(i) + " ");

        // Print the right view
        System.out.print("RIght View: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < rightView.size(); i++)
            System.out.print(rightView.get(i) + " ");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Node root = newNode(1);


// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.

Python 3

# Python3 implementation for the above approach
import sys

# Structure of Node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.val = key
        self.child = []

# Utility function to create a
# new tree node
def newNode(key):
    temp = Node(key)
    return temp

# Function to get the left view and
# right view of the given tree
def getLeftRightview(root):
    # Stores the nodes of each level
    curNodes = []

    # Push the root to initiate the
    # level ordered traversal

    # Stores the left and right views
    leftView, rightView = [], []

    # Iterate until queue is non-empty
    while (len(curNodes) != 0):
        # Find the number of ndoes in
        # current level
        n = len(curNodes)

        for i in range(n):
            cur = curNodes[0]

            # If the node is first node
            # in the level
            if (i == 0):

            # If the node is last node
            # in the level
            if (i == n - 1):

            # Push all the childs of the
            # current node into the queue
            for it in range(len(cur.child)):

    # Print the left view
    print("Left View: ", end = "")
    for i in range(len(leftView)):
        print(leftView[i], "", end = "")

    # Print the right view
    print("RIght View: ", end = "")
    for i in range(len(rightView)):
        print(rightView[i], "", end = "")

root = newNode(1)


# This code is contributed by rameshtravel07.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {

    // Structure of Node
    class Node {

        public int val;
        public List<Node> child;

        public Node(int key)
            val = key;
            child = new List<Node>();

    // Utility function to create a
    // new tree node
    static Node newNode(int key)
        Node temp = new Node(key);
        return temp;

    // Function to get the left view and
    // right view of the given tree
    static void getLeftRightview(Node root)
        // Stores the nodes of each level
        Queue curNodes = new Queue();

        // Push the root to initiate the
        // level ordered traversal

        // Stores the left and right views
        List<int> leftView = new List<int>();
        List<int> rightView = new List<int>();

        // Iterate until queue is non-empty
        while (curNodes.Count > 0) {

            // Find the number of ndoes in
            // current level
            int n = curNodes.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                Node cur = (Node)curNodes.Peek();

                // If the node is first node
                // in the level
                if (i == 0)

                // If the node is last node
                // in the level
                if (i == n - 1)

                // Push all the childs of the
                // current node into the queue
                for (int it = 0; it < cur.child.Count; it++) {

        // Print the left view
        Console.Write("Left View: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < leftView.Count; i++)
            Console.Write(leftView[i] + " ");

        // Print the right view
        Console.Write("RIght View: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < rightView.Count; i++)
            Console.Write(rightView[i] + " ");

  static void Main() {
    Node root = newNode(1);


// This code is contributed by mukesh07.

java 描述语言

    // Javascript program for the above approach

    // Structure of Node
    class Node
        constructor(key) {
           this.val = key;
           this.child = [];

    // Utility function to create a
    // new tree node
    function newNode(key)
        let temp = new Node(key);
        return temp;

    // Function to get the left view and
    // right view of the given tree
    function getLeftRightview(root)
        // Stores the nodes of each level
        let curNodes = [];

        // Push the root to initiate the
        // level ordered traversal

        // Stores the left and right views
        let leftView = [], rightView = [];

        // Iterate until queue is non-empty
        while (curNodes.length != 0) {

            // Find the number of ndoes in
            // current level
            let n = curNodes.length;

            for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                let cur = curNodes[0];

                // If the node is first node
                // in the level
                if (i == 0)

                // If the node is last node
                // in the level
                if (i == n - 1)

                // Push all the childs of the
                // current node into the queue
                for (let it = 0; it < cur.child.length; it++) {

        // Print the left view
        document.write("Left View: ");
        for (let i = 0; i < leftView.length; i++)
            document.write(leftView[i] + " ");

        // Print the right view
        document.write("RIght View: ");
        for (let i = 0; i < rightView.length; i++)
            document.write(rightView[i] + " ");

    let root = newNode(1);


// This code is contributed by decode2207.


Left View: 1 2 4 
RIght View: 1 3 8

时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(N)