

之前的文章中,我们已经讨论了二项式堆的相关概念。 示例二项式堆:

             /  \                 /  | \
           15    50             70  50  40
           |                  / |    |     
           30               80  85  65 
A Binomial Heap with 13 nodes. It is a collection of 3 
Binomial Trees of orders 0, 2 and 3 from left to right. 

   /  \                 /  | \
 15    50             70  50  40
 |                  / |    |     
 30               80  85  65 


  1. 插入(H,k): 向二项式堆“H”插入一个键“k”。这个操作首先创建一个带有单个键“k”的二项式堆,然后调用 H 和新的二项式堆的并集。
  2. getMin(H):getMin()的一个简单方法是遍历二叉树的根列表并返回最小键。这个实现需要 O(Logn)时间。通过维护一个指向最小键根的指针,可以将其优化为 0(1)。
  3. extractMin(H): 该操作也使用 union()。我们首先调用 getMin()来找到最小键二叉树,然后移除该节点,并通过连接移除的最小节点的所有子树来创建一个新的二叉树堆。最后我们在 H 和新创建的二项式堆上调用 union()。此操作需要 0(Logn)时间。
// C++ program to implement different operations
// on Binomial Heap
using namespace std;

// A Binomial Tree node.
struct Node
    int data, degree;
    Node *child, *sibling, *parent;

Node* newNode(int key)
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->data = key;
    temp->degree = 0;
    temp->child = temp->parent = temp->sibling = NULL;
    return temp;

// This function merge two Binomial Trees.
Node* mergeBinomialTrees(Node *b1, Node *b2)
    // Make sure b1 is smaller
    if (b1->data > b2->data)
        swap(b1, b2);

    // We basically make larger valued tree
    // a child of smaller valued tree
    b2->parent = b1;
    b2->sibling = b1->child;
    b1->child = b2;

    return b1;

// This function perform union operation on two
// binomial heap i.e. l1 & l2
list<Node*> unionBionomialHeap(list<Node*> l1,
                               list<Node*> l2)
    // _new to another binomial heap which contain
    // new heap after merging l1 & l2
    list<Node*> _new;
    list<Node*>::iterator it = l1.begin();
    list<Node*>::iterator ot = l2.begin();
    while (it!=l1.end() && ot!=l2.end())
        // if D(l1) <= D(l2)
        if((*it)->degree <= (*ot)->degree)
        // if D(l1) > D(l2)

    // if there remains some elements in l1
    // binomial heap
    while (it != l1.end())

    // if there remains some elements in l2
    // binomial heap
    while (ot!=l2.end())
    return _new;

// adjust function rearranges the heap so that
// heap is in increasing order of degree and
// no two binomial trees have same degree in this heap
list<Node*> adjust(list<Node*> _heap)
    if (_heap.size() <= 1)
        return _heap;
    list<Node*> new_heap;
    list<Node*>::iterator it1,it2,it3;
    it1 = it2 = it3 = _heap.begin();

    if (_heap.size() == 2)
        it2 = it1;
        it3 = _heap.end();
    while (it1 != _heap.end())
        // if only one element remains to be processed
        if (it2 == _heap.end())

        // If D(it1) < D(it2) i.e. merging of Binomial
        // Tree pointed by it1 & it2 is not possible
        // then move next in heap
        else if ((*it1)->degree < (*it2)->degree)

        // if D(it1),D(it2) & D(it3) are same i.e.
        // degree of three consecutive Binomial Tree are same
        // in heap
        else if (it3!=_heap.end() &&
                (*it1)->degree == (*it2)->degree &&
                (*it1)->degree == (*it3)->degree)

        // if degree of two Binomial Tree are same in heap
        else if ((*it1)->degree == (*it2)->degree)
            Node *temp;
            *it1 = mergeBinomialTrees(*it1,*it2);
            it2 = _heap.erase(it2);
            if(it3 != _heap.end())
    return _heap;

// inserting a Binomial Tree into binomial heap
list<Node*> insertATreeInHeap(list<Node*> _heap,
                              Node *tree)
    // creating a new heap i.e temp
    list<Node*> temp;

    // inserting Binomial Tree into heap

    // perform union operation to finally insert
    // Binomial Tree in original heap
    temp = unionBionomialHeap(_heap,temp);

    return adjust(temp);

// removing minimum key element from binomial heap
// this function take Binomial Tree as input and return
// binomial heap after
// removing head of that tree i.e. minimum element
list<Node*> removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(Node *tree)
    list<Node*> heap;
    Node *temp = tree->child;
    Node *lo;

    // making a binomial heap from Binomial Tree
    while (temp)
        lo = temp;
        temp = temp->sibling;
        lo->sibling = NULL;
    return heap;

// inserting a key into the binomial heap
list<Node*> insert(list<Node*> _head, int key)
    Node *temp = newNode(key);
    return insertATreeInHeap(_head,temp);

// return pointer of minimum value Node
// present in the binomial heap
Node* getMin(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node*>::iterator it = _heap.begin();
    Node *temp = *it;
    while (it != _heap.end())
        if ((*it)->data < temp->data)
            temp = *it;
    return temp;

list<Node*> extractMin(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node*> new_heap,lo;
    Node *temp;

    // temp contains the pointer of minimum value
    // element in heap
    temp = getMin(_heap);
    list<Node*>::iterator it;
    it = _heap.begin();
    while (it != _heap.end())
        if (*it != temp)
            // inserting all Binomial Tree into new
            // binomial heap except the Binomial Tree
            // contains minimum element
    lo = removeMinFromTreeReturnBHeap(temp);
    new_heap = unionBionomialHeap(new_heap,lo);
    new_heap = adjust(new_heap);
    return new_heap;

// print function for Binomial Tree
void printTree(Node *h)
    while (h)
        cout << h->data << " ";
        h = h->sibling;

// print function for binomial heap
void printHeap(list<Node*> _heap)
    list<Node*> ::iterator it;
    it = _heap.begin();
    while (it != _heap.end())

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    int ch,key;
    list<Node*> _heap;

    // Insert data in the heap
    _heap = insert(_heap,10);
    _heap = insert(_heap,20);
    _heap = insert(_heap,30);

    cout << "Heap elements after insertion:\n";

    Node *temp = getMin(_heap);
    cout << "\nMinimum element of heap "
         << temp->data << "\n";

    // Delete minimum element of heap
    _heap = extractMin(_heap);
    cout << "Heap after deletion of minimum element\n";

    return 0;


The heap is:
50 10 30 40 20 
After deleing 10, the heap is:
20 30 40 50 

本文由 【萨希尔·查布拉(akku)阿伦·米塔尔供稿。如果你喜欢 GeeksforGeeks 并想投稿,你也可以使用contribute.geeksforgeeks.org写一篇文章或者把你的文章邮寄到 contribute@geeksforgeeks.org。看到你的文章出现在极客博客主页上,帮助其他极客。
