
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/hierholzers-算法-有向图/



Input : Adjacency list for the below graph
Output : 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 0 

Input : Adjacency list for the below graph
Output : 0 -> 6 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0 -> 1 
         -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> 0 
In both the cases, we can trace the Euler circuit 
by following the edges as indicated in the output.

我们已经讨论了找出一个给定的图是否是欧拉的问题。在这篇文章中,讨论了一种打印欧拉轨迹或电路的算法。同样的问题可以用弗勒里算法来解决,但是,它的复杂度是 O(E*E)。利用海尔霍尔泽算法,我们可以找到 O(E)中的电路/路径,即线性时间。

下面是算法:参考( wiki )。请记住,如果下列条件成立,有向图具有欧拉圈:(1)所有非零度数的顶点都属于一个强连通分支。(2)每个顶点的入度和出度相同。该算法假设给定的图具有欧拉回路。

  • 选择任意一个起始顶点 v,从该顶点开始沿着一条边的轨迹,直到返回到 v,不可能卡在 v 以外的任何一个顶点,因为每个顶点的度数和外倾角必须相同,当轨迹进入另一个顶点 w 时,必须有一条未使用的边离开 w。 以这种方式形成的路线是一个封闭的路线,但可能不会覆盖初始图形的所有顶点和边。
  • 只要存在属于当前游览的顶点 u,但其相邻的边不是游览的一部分,就从 u 开始另一条步道,跟随未使用的边直到返回 u,并将以这种方式形成的游览加入到前一个游览中。



Let the initial directed graph be as below

Let's start our path from 0.
Thus, curr_path = {0} and circuit = {}
Now let's use the edge 0->1 
Now, curr_path = {0,1} and circuit = {}
similarly we reach up to 2 and then to 0 again as
Now, curr_path = {0,1,2} and circuit = {}
Then we go to 0, now since 0 haven't got any unused
edge we put 0 in circuit and back track till we find
an edge
We then have curr_path = {0,1,2} and circuit = {0}
Similarly, when we backtrack to 2, we don't find any 
unused edge. Hence put 2 in the circuit and backtrack 

curr_path = {0,1} and circuit = {0,2}

After reaching 1 we go to through unused edge 1->3 and 
then 3->4, 4->1 until all edges have been traversed.

The contents of the two containers look as:
curr_path = {0,1,3,4,1} and circuit = {0,2} 

now as all edges have been used, the curr_path is 
popped one by one into the circuit.
Finally, we've circuit = {0,2,1,4,3,1,0}

We print the circuit in reverse to obtain the path followed.
i.e., 0->1->3->4->1->1->2->0



// A C++ program to print Eulerian circuit in given
// directed graph using Hierholzer algorithm
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

void printCircuit(vector< vector<int> > adj)
    // adj represents the adjacency list of
    // the directed graph
    // edge_count represents the number of edges
    // emerging from a vertex
    unordered_map<int,int> edge_count;

    for (int i=0; i<adj.size(); i++)
        //find the count of edges to keep track
        //of unused edges
        edge_count[i] = adj[i].size();

    if (!adj.size())
        return; //empty graph

    // Maintain a stack to keep vertices
    stack<int> curr_path;

    // vector to store final circuit
    vector<int> circuit;

    // start from any vertex
    int curr_v = 0; // Current vertex

    while (!curr_path.empty())
        // If there's remaining edge
        if (edge_count[curr_v])
            // Push the vertex

            // Find the next vertex using an edge
            int next_v = adj[curr_v].back();

            // and remove that edge

            // Move to next vertex
            curr_v = next_v;

        // back-track to find remaining circuit

            // Back-tracking
            curr_v = curr_path.top();

    // we've got the circuit, now print it in reverse
    for (int i=circuit.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
        cout << circuit[i];
        if (i)
           cout<<" -> ";

// Driver program to check the above function
int main()
    vector< vector<int> > adj1, adj2;

    // Input Graph 1

    // Build the edges
    cout << endl;

    // Input Graph 2

    return 0;

Python 3

# Python3 program to print Eulerian circuit in given
# directed graph using Hierholzer algorithm
def printCircuit(adj):

    # adj represents the adjacency list of
    # the directed graph
    # edge_count represents the number of edges
    # emerging from a vertex
    edge_count = dict()

    for i in range(len(adj)):

        # find the count of edges to keep track
        # of unused edges
        edge_count[i] = len(adj[i])

    if len(adj) == 0:
        return # empty graph

    # Maintain a stack to keep vertices
    curr_path = []

    # vector to store final circuit
    circuit = []

    # start from any vertex
    curr_v = 0 # Current vertex

    while len(curr_path):

        # If there's remaining edge
        if edge_count[curr_v]:

            # Push the vertex

            # Find the next vertex using an edge
            next_v = adj[curr_v][-1]

            # and remove that edge
            edge_count[curr_v] -= 1

            # Move to next vertex
            curr_v = next_v

        # back-track to find remaining circuit

            # Back-tracking
            curr_v = curr_path[-1]

    # we've got the circuit, now print it in reverse
    for i in range(len(circuit) - 1, -1, -1):
        print(circuit[i], end = "")
        if i:
            print(" -> ", end = "")

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Input Graph 1
    adj1 = [0] * 3
    for i in range(3):
        adj1[i] = []

    # Build the edges

    # Input Graph 2
    adj2 = [0] * 7
    for i in range(7):
        adj2[i] = []


# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 0
0 -> 6 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> 0

替代实现: 以下是对上面代码 的改进上面的代码记录了每个顶点的边数。这是不必要的,因为我们已经在维护邻接表。我们只是删除了 edge_count 数组的创建。在算法中,我们将‘if _ edge _ count[current _ v]’替换为‘if adj[current _ v]` 上面的代码将初始节点推送到堆栈中两次。尽管他对结果进行编码的方式是正确的,但这种方法令人困惑且效率低下。我们通过将下一个顶点附加到堆栈上来消除这个问题,而不是当前的顶点。 *在作者测试算法的主要部分,邻接表‘adj 1’和‘adj 2’的初始化有点怪异。那药水也是改良过的。

Python 3

# Python3 program to print Eulerian circuit in given
# directed graph using Hierholzer algorithm
def printCircuit(adj):

    # adj represents the adjacency list of
    # the directed graph

    if len(adj) == 0:
        return # empty graph

    # Maintain a stack to keep vertices
    # We can start from any vertex, here we start with 0
    curr_path = [0]

    # list to store final circuit
    circuit = []

    while curr_path:

        curr_v = curr_path[-1]

        # If there's remaining edge in adjacency list  
        # of the current vertex 
        if adj[curr_v]:

            # Find and remove the next vertex that is  
            # adjacent to the current vertex
            next_v = adj[curr_v].pop()

            # Push the new vertex to the stack

        # back-track to find remaining circuit
            # Remove the current vertex and 
            # put it in the curcuit

    # we've got the circuit, now print it in reverse
    for i in range(len(circuit) - 1, -1, -1):
        print(circuit[i], end = "")
        if i:
            print(" -> ", end = "")

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Input Graph 1
    adj1 = [[] for _ in range(3)]

    # Build the edges

    # Input Graph 2
    adj2 = [[] for _ in range(7)]



0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 0
0 -> 6 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> 0

时间复杂度: O(V+E)。

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