如何在 Java 中实现我们自己的动态数组类?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何在 java 中实现我们自己的动态数组类/

给定的任务是在 Java 中实现一个,它的行为类似于使用数组列表动态数组


  • 数组列表元素被放置在连续的存储中,这样它们就可以使用 迭代器 来访问和遍历。
  • 在数组列表中,数据被插入到末尾。
  • 在末尾插入需要不同的时间,因为有时可能需要扩展数组。
  • 移除最后一个元素只需要恒定的时间,因为不会发生调整大小的情况。
  • 在开始或中间插入和擦除在时间上是线性的。



  1. void push(int data) :这个函数取一个元素,插入到最后一个。摊销时间复杂度为 O(1)
  2. void push(int data,int index): 它在指定的索引处插入数据。时间复杂度是 O(1)
  3. int get(int index): 用于获取指定索引处的元素。时间复杂度是 O(1)
  4. void pop(): 删除最后一个元素。时间复杂度是 O(1)
  5. int size(): 返回数组列表的大小,即数组列表中的元素个数。时间复杂度是 O(1)
  6. int getcapacity(): 返回数组列表的容量。时间复杂度是 O(1)
  7. void print(): 用于打印数组元素。时间复杂度是 O(N) ,其中 N 是数组列表的大小。


下面是我们自己的 ArrayList 类的实现。

// Java program to implement
// our own Dynamic Array class

import java.util.*;

// Self implementation of
// the ArrayList Class in Java
class ArrayListClass {

    // arr is the array which stores
    // our ArrayList elements
    private int arr[];

    // capacity is the total storage
    // capacity of the ArrayList
    private int capacity;

    // current is the number of elements
    // currently present in the ArrayList
    private int current;

    // Default constructor to initialise
    // an initial capacity of 1 element and
    // allocating storage using dynamic allocation
    public ArrayListClass()
        arr = new int[1];
        capacity = 1;
        current = 0;

    // Function to add an element at the last
    public void push(int data)

        // if the number of elements
        // is equal to the capacity,
        // that means we don't have space
        // to accommodate more elements.
        // We need to double the capacity
        if (current == capacity) {
            int temp[] = new int[2 * capacity];

            // copying old array elements
            // to new array
            for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
                temp[i] = arr[i];

            capacity *= 2;
            arr = temp;

        // Inserting data
        arr[current] = data;

    // function to add element at any index
    void push(int data, int index)

        // if index is equal to capacity
        // then this function is same
        // as push defined above
        if (index == capacity)
            arr[index] = data;

    // Function to extract
    // element at any index
    int get(int index)

        // if index is within the range
        if (index < current)
            return arr[index];

        // if index is outside the range
        return -1;

    // function to delete last element
    void pop()

    // function to get size
    // of the ArrayList
    int size()
        return current;

    // function to get capacity
    // of the ArrayList
    int getcapacity()
        return capacity;

    // function to print ArrayList elements
    void print()
        for (int i = 0; i < current; i++) {
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");

    // Driver program to check ArrayListClass
    public static void main(String args[])
        ArrayListClass v
            = new ArrayListClass();

        System.out.println("ArrayList size: "
                           + v.size());
            "ArrayList capacity: "
            + v.getcapacity());
            "ArrayList elements: ");

        v.push(100, 1);

            "\nAfter updating 1st index");

            "ArrayList elements: ");
            "Element at 1st index: "
            + v.get(1));


            "\nAfter deleting the"
            + " last element");

            "ArrayList size: "
            + v.size());
            "ArrayList capacity: "
            + v.getcapacity());

            "ArrayList elements: ");


ArrayList size: 5
ArrayList capacity: 8
ArrayList elements: 
10 20 30 40 50 

After updating 1st index
ArrayList elements: 
10 100 30 40 50 
Element at 1st index: 100

After deleting the last element
ArrayList size: 4
ArrayList capacity: 8
ArrayList elements: 
10 100 30 40