

系列 1 中,我们介绍了使用向量数组的图的实现。 在这篇文章中,使用了一种不同的实现,该实现可用于使用集合实现图。 该实现是针对图的邻接表表示

集合在两个方面不同于向量:它以排序的方式存储元素,并且不允许重复的元素。 因此,该方法不能用于包含平行边的图形。 由于集合在内部实现为二分搜索树,因此可以在O(logV)时间中搜索两个顶点之间的边,其中V是图中顶点的数量。

以下是具有 5 个顶点的无向图和无权图的示例。





// A C++ program to demonstrate adjacency list
// representation of graphs using sets
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct Graph {
int V;
set< int , greater< int > >* adjList;
// A utility function that creates a graph of V vertices
Graph* createGraph( int V)
Graph* graph = new Graph;
graph->V = V;
// Create an array of sets representing
// adjacency lists.  Size of the array will be V
graph->adjList = new set< int , greater< int > >[V];
return graph;
// Adds an edge to an undirected graph
void [HT G52] int src, int dest)
// Add an edge from src to dest.  A new
// element is inserted to the adjacent
// list of src.
// Since graph is undirected, add an edge
] // from dest to src also
// A utility function to print the adjacency
// list representation of graph
void printGraph(Graph* graph)
for ( int i = 0; i < graph->V; ++i) {
set< int , greater< int > > lst = graph->adjList[i];
cout << endl << "Adjacency list of vertex "
<< i << endl;
for ( auto itr = lst.begin(); itr != lst.end(); ++itr)
cout << *itr << " " ;
[          cout << endl;
// Searches for a given edge in the graph
void searchEdge(Graph* graph, int src, int dest)
auto itr = graph->adjList[src].find(dest);
if (itr == graph->adjList[src].end())
cout << endl << "Edge from " << src
<< " to " << dest << " not found."
<< endl;
cout << endl << "Edge from " << src
<< " to " << dest << " found."
<< endl;
// Driver code
int main()
// Create the graph given in the above figure
int [HT G160]
struct Graph* graph = createGraph(V);
addEdge(graph, 0, 1);
addEdge(graph, 0, 4);
addEdge(graph, 1, 2);
addEdge(graph, 1, 3);
addEdge(graph, 1, 4);
addEdge(graph, 2, 3);
addEdge(graph, 3, 4);
// Print the adjacency list representation of
// the above graph
// Search the given edge in the graph
searchEdge(graph, 2, 1);
searchEdge(graph, 0, 3);
return 0;


Adjacency list of vertex 0
4 1

Adjacency list of vertex 1
4 3 2 0

Adjacency list of vertex 2
3 1

Adjacency list of vertex 3
4 2 1

Adjacency list of vertex 4
3 1 0

Edge from 2 to 1 found.

Edge from 0 to 3 not found.

优点:可以在O(log V)中进行诸如从顶点u到顶点v是否存在边之类的查询。


  • 与向量实现中的O(1)相比,添加边需要O(log V)

  • 包含平行边的图形无法通过此方法实现。



// A C++ program to demonstrate adjacency list
// representation of graphs using sets
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct Graph {
int V;
unordered_set< int >* adjList;
// A utility function that creates a graph of
// V vertices
Graph* createGraph( int V)
Graph* graph = new Graph;
graph->V = V;
// Create an array of sets representing
// adjacency lists. Size of the array will be V
graph->adjList = new unordered_set< int >[V];
return graph;
// Adds an edge to an undirected graph
void addEdge(Graph* graph, int src, int dest)
// Add an edge from src to dest. A new
// element is inserted to the adjacent
// list of src.
// Since graph is undirected, add an edge
// from dest to src also
// A utility function to print the adjacency
// list representation of graph
void printGraph(Graph* graph)
for ( int i = 0; i < graph->V; ++i) {
unordered_set< int > lst = graph->adjList[i];
cout << endl << "Adjacency list of vertex "
<< i << endl;
for ( auto itr = lst.begin(); itr != lst.end(); ++itr)
cout << *itr << " " ;
cout << endl;
[HTG10 3] }
// Searches for a given edge in the graph
void searchEdge(Graph* graph, int src, int dest)
auto itr = graph->adjList[src].find(dest);
if (itr == graph->adjList[src].end())
cout << endl << "Edge from " << src
<< " to " << dest << " not found."
<< endl;
cout << endl << "Edge from " << src
<< " to " << dest << " found."
<< endl;
// Driver code
int main()
// Create the graph given in the above figure
int V = 5;
struct Graph* graph = createGraph(V);
addEdge(graph, 0, 1);
addEdge(graph, 0, 4);
addEdge(graph, 1, 2);
addEdge(graph, 1, 3);
addEdge(graph, 1, 4);
addEdge(graph, 2, 3);
addEdge(graph, 3, 4);
// Print the adjacency list representation of
// the above graph
// Search the given edge in the graph
searchEdge(graph, 2, 1);
searchEdge(graph, 0, 3);
return 0;


Adjacency list of vertex 0
4 1 

Adjacency list of vertex 1
4 3 2 0 

Adjacency list of vertex 2
3 1 

Adjacency list of vertex 3
4 2 1 

Adjacency list of vertex 4
3 1 0 

Edge from 2 to 1 found.

Edge from 0 to 3 not found.


  • 可以在O(1)中进行查询,例如是否存在从顶点u到顶点v的边。

  • 加边需要O(1)


  • 包含平行边的图形无法通过此方法实现。

  • 边不以任何顺序存储。

注意邻接矩阵表示 对于边搜索是最优化的,但是对于大的稀疏图,邻接矩阵的空间要求相对较高。 此外,邻接矩阵还有其他缺点,例如 BFSDFS 变得昂贵,因为我们无法快速获取节点的所有相邻节点。

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