
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-最大发光时间灯泡/

给定一个字符串 S ,该字符串由 N 个唯一的小写字母和一个长度为 N数组arr【】组成,其中字符S【I】代表灯泡,arr【I】代表 i th 灯泡发光的时间,从arr【I–1】开始。任务是找到发光时间最长的灯泡。如果有一个以上的灯泡具有相同的最大发光时间,则打印字典中较大的一个。


输入:S =“ABCD”,arr[] = {9,29,49,50} 输出: c 说明: 索引 0 处的‘c’持续时间= 9。索引 1 处的 “b”的持续时间= arr[1]–arr[0]= 29–9 = 20 “c”在索引 2 处的持续时间= arr[2]–arr[1]= 49–29 = 20 “d”在索引 3 处的持续时间= arr[3]–arr[2]= 50–49 = 1 两个灯泡“b”和“c”的发光时间最长。在这两个当中,c 在字典上更大。

输入: S =“开钻”,arr[] = {12,23,36,46,62} 输出: a 说明: S 在索引 0 处的持续时间= 12。 索引 1 处的“p”的持续时间= arr[1]–arr[0]= 23-12 = 11。 索引 2 处的“u”的持续时间= arr[2]–arr[1]= 36-23 = 13。 索引 3 处的“d”的持续时间= arr[3]–arr[2]= 46-36 = 10。 “a”在索引 4 处的持续时间= arr[4]–arr[3]= 62-46 = 16。 因此,‘a’的发光时间最长。


  • 初始化两个变量,比如 maxDurmaxPos ,分别存储发光时间和发光时间最长的灯泡的指数。
  • 遍历给定数组并执行以下步骤:
    • 如果当前时间(arr[I]–arr[I–1])小于 maxCurr ,则将 maxCurr 更新为maxCurr = arr[I]–arr[I–1]
    • 否则,如果等于 maxCurrmaxPos 不包含任何有效索引,S【maxPos】在字典上小于S【I】,则更新 maxPosmaxPos = i
  • 完成上述步骤后,打印S【maxPos】作为所需输出。



// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the bulb
// having maximum glow
char longestLastingBulb(
    vector<int> onTime, string s)
    char ans;
    int n = onTime.size();

    // Initialize variables
    int maxDur = INT_MIN;
    int maxPos = INT_MIN;
    int currentDiff = 0;

    // Traverse the array consisting
    // of glowing time of the bulbs
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        // For 1st bulb
        if (i == 0) {
            currentDiff = onTime[i];
            maxDur = currentDiff;
            maxPos = i;
        else {

            // Calculate the glowing time
            currentDiff = onTime[i]
                          - onTime[i - 1];

            // Update the maximum glow
            if (maxDur < currentDiff) {
                maxDur = currentDiff;
                maxPos = i;

            // Find lexicographically
            // largest bulb
            else {

                if (maxDur == currentDiff) {
                    char one = s[i];
                    char two = s[maxPos];

                    if (one > two) {
                        maxDur = currentDiff;
                        maxPos = i;

    // Bulb with maximum time
    ans = s[maxPos];

    // Return the resultant bulb
    return ans;

// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "spuda";
    vector<int> arr = { 12, 23, 36, 46, 62 };

    // Function call
    cout << longestLastingBulb(arr, S);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to find the bulb
// having maximum glow
static char longestLastingBulb(
    int []onTime, char []s)
    char ans;
    int n = onTime.length;

    // Initialize variables
    int maxDur = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    int maxPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    int currentDiff = 0;

    // Traverse the array consisting
    // of glowing time of the bulbs
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        // For 1st bulb
        if (i == 0) {
            currentDiff = onTime[i];
            maxDur = currentDiff;
            maxPos = i;
        else {

            // Calculate the glowing time
            currentDiff = onTime[i]
                          - onTime[i - 1];

            // Update the maximum glow
            if (maxDur < currentDiff) {
                maxDur = currentDiff;
                maxPos = i;

            // Find lexicographically
            // largest bulb
            else {

                if (maxDur == currentDiff) {
                    char one = s[i];
                    char two = s[maxPos];

                    if (one > two) {
                        maxDur = currentDiff;
                        maxPos = i;

    // Bulb with maximum time
    ans = s[maxPos];

    // Return the resultant bulb
    return ans;

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String S = "spuda";
    int []arr = { 12, 23, 36, 46, 62 };

    // Function call
    System.out.print(longestLastingBulb(arr, S.toCharArray()));


// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach
import sys

INT_MIN = (sys.maxsize - 1)

# Function to find the bulb
# having maximum glow
def longestLastingBulb(onTime, s):

    n = len(onTime)

    # Initialize variables
    maxDur = INT_MIN
    maxPos = INT_MIN
    currentDiff = 0

    # Traverse the array consisting
    # of glowing time of the bulbs
    for i in range(n):

        # For 1st bulb
        if (i == 0):
            currentDiff = onTime[i]
            maxDur = currentDiff
            maxPos = i


            # Calculate the glowing time
            currentDiff = onTime[i] - onTime[i - 1]

            # Update the maximum glow
            if (maxDur < currentDiff):
                maxDur = currentDiff
                maxPos = i

            # Find lexicographically
            # largest bulb

                if (maxDur == currentDiff):
                    one = s[i]
                    two = s[maxPos]

                    if (one > two):
                        maxDur = currentDiff
                        maxPos = i

    # Bulb with maximum time
    ans = s[maxPos]

    # Return the resultant bulb
    return ans

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__" :

    S = "spuda"
    arr = [ 12, 23, 36, 46, 62 ]

    # Function call
    print(longestLastingBulb(arr, S))

# This code is contributed by AnkThon


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {

    // Function to find the bulb
    // having maximum glow
    static char longestLastingBulb(
        List<int> onTime, string s)
        char ans;
        int n = onTime.Count;

        // Initialize variables
        int maxDur = Int32.MinValue;
        int maxPos = Int32.MinValue;
        int currentDiff = 0;

        // Traverse the array consisting
        // of glowing time of the bulbs
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            // For 1st bulb
            if (i == 0) {
                currentDiff = onTime[i];
                maxDur = currentDiff;
                maxPos = i;
            else {

                // Calculate the glowing time
                currentDiff = onTime[i]
                              - onTime[i - 1];

                // Update the maximum glow
                if (maxDur < currentDiff) {
                    maxDur = currentDiff;
                    maxPos = i;

                // Find lexicographically
                // largest bulb
                else {

                    if (maxDur == currentDiff) {
                        char one = s[i];
                        char two = s[maxPos];

                        if (one > two) {
                            maxDur = currentDiff;
                            maxPos = i;

        // Bulb with maximum time
        ans = s[maxPos];

        // Return the resultant bulb
        return ans;

  static void Main() {

    string S = "spuda";
    List<int> arr = new List<int>(new int[] {12, 23, 36, 46, 62});

    // Function call
    Console.Write(longestLastingBulb(arr, S));

// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07

java 描述语言


// Javascript program for the above approach

// Function to find the bulb
// having maximum glow
function longestLastingBulb(onTime, s)
    let ans;
    let n = onTime.length;

    // Initialize variables
    let maxDur = Number.MIN_VALUE;
    let maxPos = Number.MIN_VALUE;
    let currentDiff = 0;

    // Traverse the array consisting
    // of glowing time of the bulbs
    for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)

        // For 1st bulb
        if (i == 0)
            currentDiff = onTime[i];
            maxDur = currentDiff;
            maxPos = i;

            // Calculate the glowing time
            currentDiff = onTime[i] -
                          onTime[i - 1];

            // Update the maximum glow
            if (maxDur < currentDiff)
                maxDur = currentDiff;
                maxPos = i;

            // Find lexicographically
            // largest bulb
                if (maxDur == currentDiff)
                    let one = s[i];
                    let two = s[maxPos];

                    if (one > two)
                        maxDur = currentDiff;
                        maxPos = i;

    // Bulb with maximum time
    ans = s[maxPos];

    // Return the resultant bulb
    return ans;

// Driver code
let S = "spuda";
let arr = [ 12, 23, 36, 46, 62 ];

// Function call
document.write(longestLastingBulb(arr, S));

// This code is contributed by divyesh072019




时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(1)