
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-严格递减子数组的计数/

给定整数数组 A[]。任务是计算严格递减子阵列的总数(大小> 1)。 :

输入 : A[] = { 100,3,1,15 } 输出 : 3 子阵为- > { 100,3 },{ 100,3,1 },{ 3,1 } 输入 : A[] = { 4,2,2,1 } 输出 : 2

天真方法:一个简单的解决方案是运行两个进行循环,并检查子阵列是否在减少。 如果知道子阵列 arr[i:j]不是严格递减的,那么子阵列 arr[i:j+1],arr[i:j+2]就可以改进这一点,..arr[i:n-1]不能严格递减。 高效途径:在上面的解决方案中,我们对许多子阵列进行了两次计数。这也是可以改进的,这个想法是基于长度为“len”的排序(递减)子阵列将 len*(len-1)/2 添加到结果中的事实。 以下是上述方法的实施:


// C++ program to count number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays in O(n) time.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to count the number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays
int countDecreasing(int A[], int n)
    int cnt = 0; // Initialize result

    // Initialize length of current
    // decreasing subarray
    int len = 1;

    // Traverse through the array
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
        // If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
        // then increment length
        if (A[i + 1] < A[i])

        // Else Update count and reset length
        else {
            cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);
            len = 1;

    // If last length is more than 1
    if (len > 1)
        cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);

    return cnt;

// Driver program
int main()
    int A[] = { 100, 3, 1, 13 };
    int n = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);

    cout << countDecreasing(A, n);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to count number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays in O(n) time.

import java.io.*;

class GFG {

// Function to count the number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays
static int countDecreasing(int A[], int n)
    int cnt = 0; // Initialize result

    // Initialize length of current
    // decreasing subarray
    int len = 1;

    // Traverse through the array
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
        // If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
        // then increment length
        if (A[i + 1] < A[i])

        // Else Update count and reset length
        else {
            cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);
            len = 1;

    // If last length is more than 1
    if (len > 1)
        cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);

    return cnt;

// Driver program
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    int A[] = { 100, 3, 1, 13 };
    int n = A.length;

    System.out.println(countDecreasing(A, n));
// This code is contributed by anuj_67..

Python 3

# Python 3 program to count number
# of strictly decreasing subarrays
# in O(n) time.

# Function to count the number of
# strictly decreasing subarrays
def countDecreasing(A, n):

    cnt = 0 # Initialize result

    # Initialize length of current
    # decreasing subarray
    len = 1

    # Traverse through the array
    for i in range (n - 1) :

        # If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
        # then increment length
        if (A[i + 1] < A[i]):
            len += 1

        # Else Update count and
        # reset length
        else :
            cnt += (((len - 1) * len) // 2);
            len = 1

    # If last length is more than 1
    if (len > 1):
        cnt += (((len - 1) * len) // 2)

    return cnt

# Driver Code
if __name__=="__main__":

    A = [ 100, 3, 1, 13 ]
    n = len(A)

    print (countDecreasing(A, n))

# This code is contributed by ChitraNayal


// C# program to count number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays in O(n) time.

using System;

class GFG
// Function to count the number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays
static int countDecreasing(int []A, int n)
int cnt = 0; // Initialize result

// Initialize length of current
// decreasing subarray
int len = 1;

// Traverse through the array
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
// If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
// then increment length
if (A[i + 1] < A[i])

// Else Update count and reset length
else {
cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);
len = 1;

// If last length is more than 1
if (len > 1)
cnt += (((len - 1) * len) / 2);

return cnt;

// Driver code
static void Main()
int []A = { 100, 3, 1, 13 };
int n = A.Length ;
Console.WriteLine(countDecreasing(A, n));
// This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to count number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays in O(n) time.

// Function to count the number of
// strictly decreasing subarrays
function countDecreasing($A, $n)
    $cnt = 0; // Initialize result

    // Initialize length of current
    // decreasing subarray
    $len = 1;

    // Traverse through the array
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n - 1; ++$i)
        // If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
        // then increment length
        if ($A[$i + 1] < $A[$i])

        // Else Update count and
        // reset length
            $cnt += ((($len - 1) * $len) / 2);
            $len = 1;

    // If last length is more than 1
    if ($len > 1)
        $cnt += ((($len - 1) * $len) / 2);

    return $cnt;

// Driver Code
$A = array( 100, 3, 1, 13 );
$n = sizeof($A);

echo countDecreasing($A, $n);

// This code is contributed by mits

java 描述语言


// JavaScript program to count number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays in O(n) time.

// Function to count the number of strictly
// decreasing subarrays
function countDecreasing(A, n)
    var cnt = 0; // Initialize result

    // Initialize length of current
    // decreasing subarray
    var len = 1;

    // Traverse through the array
    for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
        // If arr[i+1] is less than arr[i],
        // then increment length
        if (A[i + 1] < A[i])

        // Else Update count and reset length
        else {
            cnt += parseInt(((len - 1) * len) / 2);
            len = 1;

    // If last length is more than 1
    if (len > 1)
        cnt += parseInt(((len - 1) * len) / 2);

    return cnt;

    var A = [ 100, 3, 1, 13 ];
    var n = A.length;
    document.write( countDecreasing(A, n));

// This code is contributed by SoumikMondal




时间复杂度: O(N)