
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-给定年份的第一天-从基年开始-从星期一开始的第一天/

给定代表两年的两个整数 YB ,任务是找到一周中的哪一天是一年中的 1ST1 月 Y 假设一年中的 1ST1 月 B 是星期一。


输入: Y = 2020 B = 1900 输出: 周三 说明: 01/01/2020 是周三考虑到 01/01/1900 是周一

输入: Y = 2020 B = 1905 输出: 星期四 解释: 2020 年 1 月 1 日是星期三假设 1905 年 1 月 1 日是星期一


  1. 介于基准年(B)年(Y) 之间的总年数等于(Y–1)–B
  2. 介于之间的闰年总数=总年数/ 4
  3. 介于= 总年数–闰年之间的非闰年总数。
  4. 总天数= 总闰年 366 +非闰年 365 + 1
  5. 因此,Y1 月 1 日总天数% 7



// C++ Implementation of
// the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the day of
// 1st January of Y year
void findDay(int Y, int B)
    int lyear, rest, totaldays, day;

    // Count years between
    // years Y and B
    Y = (Y - 1) - B;

    // Count leap years
    lyear = Y / 4;

    // Non leap years
    rest = Y - lyear;

    // Total number of days in the years
    // lying between the years Y and B
    totaldays = (rest * 365)
                + (lyear * 366) + 1;

    // Actual day
    day = (totaldays % 7);

    if (day == 0)

    else if (day == 1)

    else if (day == 2)

    else if (day == 3)

    else if (day == 4)

    else if (day == 5)

    else if (day == 6)

        printf("INPUT YEAR IS WRONG!");

// Driver Code
int main()
    int Y = 2020, B = 1900;
    findDay(Y, B);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG

  // Function to find the day of
  // 1st January of Y year
  static void findDay(int Y, int B)
    int lyear, rest, totaldays, day;

    // Count years between
    // years Y and B
    Y = (Y - 1) - B;

    // Count leap years
    lyear = Y / 4;

    // Non leap years
    rest = Y - lyear;

    // Total number of days in the years
    // lying between the years Y and B
    totaldays = (rest * 365)
      + (lyear * 366) + 1;

    // Actual day
    day = (totaldays % 7);

    if (day == 0)

    else if (day == 1)

    else if (day == 2)

    else if (day == 3)

    else if (day == 4)

    else if (day == 5)

    else if (day == 6)

      System.out.println("INPUT YEAR IS WRONG!");

  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int Y = 2020, B = 1900;
    findDay(Y, B);

// This code is contributed by code_hunt.

Python 3

# Python program to implement
# the above approach

# Function to find the day of
# 1st January of Y year
def findDay(Y, B):
    lyear, rest, totaldays, day = 0, 0, 0, 0;

    # Count years between
    # years Y and B
    Y = (Y - 1) - B;

    # Count leap years
    lyear = Y // 4;

    # Non leap years
    rest = Y - lyear;

    # Total number of days in the years
    # lying between the years Y and B
    totaldays = (rest * 365) + (lyear * 366) + 1;

    # Actual day
    day = (totaldays % 7);

    if (day == 0):

    elif (day == 1):

    elif (day == 2):

    elif (day == 3):

    elif (day == 4):

    elif (day == 5):

    elif (day == 6):

        print("INPUT YEAR IS WRONG!");

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    Y = 2020; B = 1900;
    findDay(Y, B);

# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
class GFG
  // Function to find the day of
  // 1st January of Y year
  static void findDay(int Y, int B)
    int lyear, rest, totaldays, day;

    // Count years between
    // years Y and B
    Y = (Y - 1) - B;

    // Count leap years
    lyear = Y / 4;

    // Non leap years
    rest = Y - lyear;

    // Total number of days in the years
    // lying between the years Y and B
    totaldays = (rest * 365)
      + (lyear * 366) + 1;

    // Actual day
    day = (totaldays % 7);
    if (day == 0)
    else if (day == 1)
    else if (day == 2)
    else if (day == 3)
    else if (day == 4)
    else if (day == 5)
    else if (day == 6)
      Console.WriteLine("INPUT YEAR IS WRONG!");

// Driver code
static void Main()
    int Y = 2020, B = 1900;
    findDay(Y, B);

// This code is contribute by susmitakundugoaldanga

java 描述语言


// Javascript program of the above approach

  // Function to find the day of
  // 1st January of Y year
  function findDay(Y, B)
    let lyear, rest, totaldays, day;

    // Count years between
    // years Y and B
    Y = (Y - 1) - B;

    // Count leap years
    lyear = Math.floor(Y / 4);

    // Non leap years
    rest = Y - lyear;

    // Total number of days in the years
    // lying between the years Y and B
    totaldays = (rest * 365)
      + (lyear * 366) + 1;

    // Actual day
    day = (totaldays % 7);

    if (day == 0)

    else if (day == 1)

    else if (day == 2)

    else if (day == 3)

    else if (day == 4)

    else if (day == 5)

    else if (day == 6)

      document.write("INPUT YEAR IS WRONG!");

    // Driver Code

    // Given array
    let Y = 2020, B = 1900;
    findDay(Y, B);




时间复杂度:O(1) T5辅助空间:** O(1)