
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-无限数组中未访问索引的计数/

给定一个无限长的数组和两个整数 MN ,它们是同素的,任务是从第一个位置开始,当从arr【I】单次移动时,找到不能访问的位置数,可以达到arr【I+M】arr【I+N】注意结果总是有限的。


输入: M = 2,N = 5 T3】输出: 2 从指标 0 开始, 可以访问的指数有 0+2 = 2 0+2+2 = 4 0+5 = 5 0+2+2+2 = 6 0+2+5 = 7 0+2+2+2+2 = 8 0+2+2+5 = 9 0+5+5 = 10 …… 1 和 3 是唯一不能访问的指数。

输入: M = 5,N = 6 T3】输出: 15


  • 使用弗罗贝纽斯数说出X =(M * N)–M–N找到无法使用 M & N 任意组合获得的最大指数。
  • 因为, X 是不能访问的最大索引,所以大于它的每个索引都不需要检查。
  • 现在,对于小于 X 的指数,如果 X 不可见,那么Y = X–MZ = X–N也不可见,同样的还有Y–MZ–N等等..直到指数大于 0



// C++ implementation of the approach 
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to return the count 
// of unvisited indices starting 
// from the index 0 
int countUnvisited(int n, int m)

    // Largest index that 
    // cannot be visited 
    int X = (m * n) - m - n; 

    // Push the index to the queue 
    queue<int> queue;


    // To store the required count 
    int count = 0; 
    while (queue.size() > 0) 

        // Current index that cannot be visited 
        int curr = queue.front(); 

        // Increment the count for 
        // the current index 

        // (curr - m) and (curr - n) are also 
        // unreachable if they are valid indices 
        if (curr - m > 0) 
            queue.push(curr - m); 
        if (curr - n > 0) 
            queue.push(curr - n); 

    // Return the required count 
    return count; 

// Driver code 
int main()
    int n = 2, m = 5; 

    cout << countUnvisited(n, m);

    return 0;

// This code is contributed by Sanjit_Prasad

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

class GFG {

    // Function to return the count
    // of unvisited indices starting
    // from the index 0
    public static int countUnvisited(int n, int m)

        // Largest index that
        // cannot be visited
        int X = (m * n) - m - n;

        // Push the index to the queue
        Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();

        // To store the required count
        int count = 0;
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

            // Current index that cannot be visited
            int curr = queue.poll();

            // Increment the count for
            // the current index

            // (curr - m) and (curr - n) are also
            // unreachable if they are valid indices
            if (curr - m > 0)
                queue.add(curr - m);
            if (curr - n > 0)
                queue.add(curr - n);

        // Return the required count
        return count;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int n = 2, m = 5;
        System.out.print(countUnvisited(n, m));

Python 3

# Python 3 implementation of the approach 

# Function to return the count 
# of unvisited indices starting 
# from the index 0 
def countUnvisited(n, m):

    # Largest index that 
    # cannot be visited 
    i = 0
    X = (m * n) - m - n

    # Push the index to the queue 
    queue = []


    # To store the required count 
    count = 0
    while (len(queue) > 0):

        # Current index that cannot be visited 
        curr = queue[0] 

        # Increment the count for 
        # the current index 
        count += 1

        # (curr - m) and (curr - n) are also 
        # unreachable if they are valid indices 
        if (curr - m > 0):
            queue.append(curr - m) 
        if (curr - n > 0):
            queue.append(curr - n) 

    # Return the required count 
    return count

# Driver code 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 2
    m = 5

    print(countUnvisited(n, m))

# This code is contributed by Surendra_Gangwar


// C# implementation of the above approach 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG 

    // Function to return the count
    // of unvisited indices starting
    // from the index 0
    public static int countUnvisited(int n, int m)

        // Largest index that
        // cannot be visited
        int X = (m * n) - m - n;

        // Push the index to the queue
        Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();

        // To store the required count
        int count = 0;
        while (queue.Count != 0) 

            // Current index that cannot be visited
            int curr = queue.Dequeue();

            // Increment the count for
            // the current index

            // (curr - m) and (curr - n) are also
            // unreachable if they are valid indices
            if (curr - m > 0)
                queue.Enqueue(curr - m);
            if (curr - n > 0)
                queue.Enqueue(curr - n);

        // Return the required count
        return count;

    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String []args)
        int n = 2, m = 5;
        Console.WriteLine(countUnvisited(n, m));

// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992
