JavaFX | TabPane 类


TabPane 类是 JavaFX 的一部分。TabPane 允许在几个选项卡之间切换。选项卡窗格充当选项卡的容器。可以使用 setSide()函数指定选项卡的位置。当选项卡不适合选项卡窗格时,选项卡窗格的右上角会出现一个菜单按钮,显示选项卡窗格的所有选项卡。


  1. 选项卡窗格():创建一个没有选项卡的新选项卡窗格。
  2. 选项卡面板(选项卡… t) :用指定的选项卡创建一个新的选项卡面板。


方法 说明
getSide() 返回选项卡窗格上选项卡的当前位置
getTabs() 返回选项卡窗格的选项卡。
设置侧(第五侧) 在此选项卡窗格中放置选项卡的位置。
集选择模型(单个选择模型 v) 设置用于选项卡选择的模型。
getSelectionModel() 返回选项卡选择的选择模型。
getTabMaxHeight() 返回选项卡窗格中选项卡的最大高度。
gettadminheight _) 返回选项卡窗格中选项卡的最小高度。
getTabMaxWidth() 返回选项卡窗格中选项卡的最大宽度。
gettadminwidth _) 返回选项卡窗格中选项卡的最小宽度。
settabmaxheight(双 v) 设置选项卡窗格中选项卡的最大高度。
settadminheight_double v) 设置选项卡窗格中选项卡的最小高度。
setTabMaxWidth(双 v) 设置选项卡窗格中选项卡的最大宽度。
settadminwidth _ double v) 设置选项卡窗格中选项卡的最小宽度。

下面的程序说明了 TabPane 类的使用:

  1. Java program to create multiple tabs and add it to the TabPane: In this program we will create a Tabpane named tabpane. To add multiple tabs we will use a for loop and then add tabs to the tabpane. Create a Tab named tab. We will also create a Label named label. We will add the label to the tab by using the function setContent(). The title of the tab will be passed as arguments. Now create a TabPane named tabpane and add the tab to the tabpane. After that add the tabpane to the scene and add the scene to the stage and display the stage using the show() function.

    ```java // Java program to create multiple tabs  // and add it to the TabPane import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.control.;

    public class TabPane_1 extends Application {

    // launch the application     public void start(Stage stage)     {

    // set title for the stage         stage.setTitle("Creating Tab");

    // create a tabpane         TabPane tabpane = new TabPane();

    // create multiple tabs         for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    // create Tab             Tab tab = new Tab("Tab_" + (int)(i + 1));

    // create a label             Label label = new Label("This is Tab: " + (int)(i + 1));

    // add label to the tab             tab.setContent(label);

    // add tab             tabpane.getTabs().add(tab);         }

    // create a scene         Scene scene = new Scene(tabpane, 600, 500);

    // set the scene         stage.setScene(scene);;     }

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // launch the application         launch(args);     } } ```

    输出: 2. Java program to create multiple tabs and add it to the TabPane and also create a tab which on selected will create new tabs: In this program we will create a Tabpane named tabpane. We will add multiple tabs to the tabpane. To add multiple tabs we will use a for loop. We will create a Tab named tab. Now create a Label named label. We will add a label to the tab by using the function setContent(). We will also create a tab named newtab. When it is selected then it will create a new tab. Add event handler to the tab by using setOnSelectionChanged() function. The event handler will create a new tab and add it before the new tab in tabpane using getTabs().add() function and select the last tab using the getSelectionModel().select() function. The title of the tab will be passed as arguments. We will create a TabPane named tabpane and add the tab to the tabpane and add the tabpane to the scene and scene to the stage. Display the stage using the show() function.

    ```java // Java program to create multiple tabs and // add it to the tabPane and also create a  // tab which on selected will create new tabs import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.control.; import javafx.event.Event; import javafx.event.EventHandler;

    public class TabPane_2 extends Application {

    // counter of tabs int counter = 0;

    // launch the application public void start(Stage stage) {

    // set title for the stage     stage.setTitle("Creating Tab");

    // create a tabpane     TabPane tabpane = new TabPane();

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    // create Tab         Tab tab = new Tab("Tab_" + (int)(counter + 1));

    // create a label         Label label = new Label("This is Tab: "                          + (int)(counter + 1));


    // add label to the tab         tab.setContent(label);

    // add tab         tabpane.getTabs().add(tab);     }

    // create a tab which     // when pressed creates a new tab     Tab newtab = new Tab();

    // action event     EventHandler event =      new EventHandler() {

    public void handle(Event e)         {             if (newtab.isSelected())              {

    // create Tab                 Tab tab = new Tab("Tab_" + (int)(counter + 1));

    // create a label                 Label label = new Label("This is Tab: "                                   + (int)(counter + 1));


    // add label to the tab                 tab.setContent(label);

    // add tab                 tabpane.getTabs().add(                         tabpane.getTabs().size() - 1, tab);

    // select the last tab                 tabpane.getSelectionModel().select(                         tabpane.getTabs().size() - 2);             }         }     };

    // set event handler to the tab     newtab.setOnSelectionChanged(event);

    // add newtab     tabpane.getTabs().add(newtab);

    // create a scene     Scene scene = new Scene(tabpane, 600, 500);

    // set the scene     stage.setScene(scene);; }

    // Main Method public static void main(String args[]) {

    // launch the application     launch(args); } } ```


注意:上述程序可能无法在在线 IDE 中运行。请使用离线编译器。

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/JavaFX/API/JavaFX/scene/control/tabbane . html