JavaFX | HTMLEditor 类


HTMLEditor 类是 JavaFX 的一部分。HTML 编辑器允许用户编辑现有的 HTML 文本,也可以对文本应用样式。底层数据模型是 HTML,但用户看不到它。


  • HTMLEditor() :创建 HTMLEditor 的新对象。


方法 说明
getHtmlText() 返回编辑器的 HTML 内容。
打印(打印机作业 j) 使用给定的打印机作业打印编辑器的内容。
setHtmlText(字符串 h) 设置编辑器的 HTML 文本。

下面的程序说明了 HTMLEditor 类的使用:

  1. Java program to create a HTMLEditor and add to the stage: In this program we will create a HTMLEditor named htmleditor. We will also create a TilePane named tilepane,and then add the htmleditor to the tilepane using the getChildren().add() function. We will create a scene and add tilepane to it. We will add the scene to the stage using the setScene() function and display the stage using the show() function to display the final results.

    ```java // Java program to create a html editor // and add to the stage import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.web.HTMLEditor;

    public class Editor_1 extends Application {

    // launch the application     public void start(Stage stage)     {

    // set title for the stage         stage.setTitle("Creating HTMLEditor");

    // create a tile pane         TilePane tilepane = new TilePane();

    // HTML editor         HTMLEditor htmleditor = new HTMLEditor();

    // add html editor         tilepane.getChildren().add(htmleditor);

    // create a scene         Scene scene = new Scene(tilepane, 600, 500);

    // set the scene         stage.setScene(scene);;     }

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // launch the application         launch(args);     } } ```

    输出: 2. Java program to create a HTMLEditor and set initial HTML text to it and add to the stage: In this program we will create a HTMLEditor named htmleditor. We will set the initial HTML text using setHtmlText() function. We will also create a TilePane named tilepane, we will add the htmleditor to the tilepane using the getChildren().add() function. We will create a scene and add tilepane to it. We will add the scene to the stage using the setScene() function and display the stage using the show() function to display the final results.

    ```java // Java program to create a html editor  // and set initial HTML text to it and  // add to the stage import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.web.HTMLEditor;

    public class Editor_2 extends Application {

    // launch the application     public void start(Stage stage)     {

    // set title for the stage         stage.setTitle("creating HTMLEditor");

    // HTML text         String text = "



    // create a tile pane         TilePane tilepane = new TilePane();

    // HTML editor         HTMLEditor htmleditor = new HTMLEditor();

    // set html text         htmleditor.setHtmlText(text);

    // add html editor         tilepane.getChildren().add(htmleditor);

    // create a scene         Scene scene = new Scene(tilepane, 600, 500);

    // set the scene         stage.setScene(scene);;     }

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // launch the application         launch(args);     } } ```


注意:上述程序可能无法在在线 IDE 中运行。请使用离线编译器。

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/JavaFX/API/JavaFX/scene/web/htmleditor . html