Java 中的 Java.util.BitSet.clear()



  1. clear() : The clear() method sets all of the bits in this BitSet to false.

    ```java public void clear() Return Value This method does not return a value.


    ```java // Java code to demonstrate the working // of clear() in BitSet import java.util.*; public class BitClr1 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Declaring Bitset         BitSet bset = new BitSet(8);

    // assigning values to bitset         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)             bset.set(i);

    // printing original bitset         System.out.println         ("The bitset before clear() operation is : " + bset);

    // using clear() to clear contents of bitset         bset.clear();

    // printing bitset after clear() operation         // empty bitset         System.out.println         ("The bitset after clear() operation is : " + bset);     } } ```


    ```java The bitset before clear() operation is : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} The bitset after clear() operation is : {}


  2. clear(int pos) : The clear(int pos) method sets the bit specified by the index to false. i.e removes from bitset.

    ```java public void clear(int pos) Parameters pos : the index of the bit to be cleared. Return Value This method does not return a value. Exception IndexOutOfBoundsException : if the specified index is negative.


    ```java // Java code to demonstrate the working // of clear(int pos) in BitSet import java.util.*; public class BitClr2 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Declaring Bitset         BitSet bset = new BitSet(8);

    // assigning values to bitset         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)             bset.set(i);

    // printing original bitset         System.out.println         ("The bitset before clear(pos) operation is : " + bset);

    // using clear(pos) to clear element at specified position         bset.clear(3);

    // printing bitset after clear(pos) operation         // removes 3         System.out.println         ("The bitset after clear(pos) operation is : " + bset);     } } ```


    ```java The bitset before clear(pos) operation is : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} The bitset after clear(pos) operation is : {0, 1, 2, 4}


  3. clear(int frompos, int topos) : The clear(int frompos, int topos) method sets the bits from the specified frompos (inclusive) to the specified topos (exclusive) to false i.e performs removal in a range.

    ```java public void clear(int frompos, int topos) Parameters frompos : index of the first bit to be cleared topos : index of the last bit to be cleared Return Value This method does not return a value. Exception IndexOutOfBoundsException: if frompos is negative, or topos is negative, or frompos is larger than topos.


    ```java // Java code to demonstrate the working // of clear(int frompos, int topos) in BitSet import java.util.*; public class BitClr3 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Declaring Bitset         BitSet bset = new BitSet(8);

    // assigning values to bitset         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)             bset.set(i);

    // printing original bitset         System.out.println         ("The bitset before clear(frompos, topos) operation is : " + bset);

    // using clear(frompos, topos) to clear elements in range         bset.clear(2, 4);

    // printing bitset after clear(frompos, topos) operation         // removes 2, 3         System.out.println         ("The bitset after clear(frompos, topos) operation is : " + bset);     } } ```


    ```java The bitset before clear(frompos, topos) operation is : {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} The bitset after clear(frompos, topos) operation is : {0, 1, 4}


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