Java 中的 Java.util.Random 类


在 java 中,Random 类用于生成伪随机数。这个类的一个实例是线程安全的。然而,这个类的实例在加密上是不安全的。此类提供各种方法调用来生成不同的随机数据类型,如 float、double、int。


  • Random() :创建一个新的随机数生成器
  • 随机(长种子):使用单个长种子创建一个新的随机数生成器


public class Random
               extends Object
               implements Serializable


  1. Java . util . random . doubles():返回一个实际上无限的伪随机双精度值流,每个值介于零(包含)和一(排除)之间 语法:

    java public DoubleStream doubles() Returns: a stream of pseudorandom double values

  2. java.util.Random.ints(): 返回一个实际上无限的伪随机 int 值流 语法:

    java public IntStream ints() Returns: a stream of pseudorandom int values

  3. Java . util . random . longs():返回一个实际上无限的伪随机长值流 语法:

    java public LongStream longs() Returns: a stream of pseudorandom long values

  4. 下一个(int 位) 位)生成下一个伪随机数 语法:

    java protected int next(int bits) Parameters: bits - random bits Returns: the next pseudo random value from this random number generator's sequence

  5. Java . util . random . nextboolean():从这个随机数生成器的序列中返回下一个伪随机的、均匀分布的布尔值 语法:

    java public boolean nextBoolean() Returns: the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed boolean value from this random number generator's sequence

  6. Java . util . random . next bytes(byte[]bytes):生成随机字节并将其放入用户提供的字节数组中 语法:

    java public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes) Parameters: bytes - the byte array to fill with random bytes Throws: NullPointerException - if the byte array is null

  7. Java . util . random . nextDouble():从这个随机数生成器的序列中返回下一个 0.0 到 1.0 之间的伪随机、均匀分布的 double 值 语法:

    java public double nextDouble() Returns: the next pseudo random, uniformly distributed double value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence

  8. Java . util . random . nextfloat():从这个随机数生成器的序列 中返回下一个 0.0 到 1.0 之间的伪随机、均匀分布的浮点值语法:

    java public float nextFloat() Returns: the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed float value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence

  9. Java . util . random . nextgaussian():返回下一个伪随机、高斯(“正态”)分布的双数值,其平均值为 0.0,标准偏差为 1.0,与此随机数生成器的序列 语法:

    java public double nextGaussian() Returns: the next pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed double value with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence

  10. Java . util . random . nextInt():从这个随机数生成器的序列中返回下一个伪随机的、均匀分布的 int 值 语法:

    java public int nextInt() Returns: the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value from this random number generator's sequence

  11. Java . util . random . nextInt(int bound):返回一个伪随机的、均匀分布的 int 值,介于 0(包括 0)和指定值(不包括 0)之间,从这个随机数生成器的序列中提取 语法:

    java public int nextInt(int bound) Parameters: bound - the upper bound (exclusive). Must be positive. Returns: the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between zero (inclusive) and bound (exclusive) from this random number generator's sequence Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if bound is not positive

  12. Java . util . random . nextlong():从这个随机数生成器的序列中返回下一个伪随机的、均匀分布的长值 语法:

    java public long nextLong() Returns: the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence

  13. java.util.Random.setSeed(长种子):使用单个长种子设置该随机数生成器的种子 语法:

    java public void setSeed(long seed) Parameters: seed - the initial seed

从 java.lang.Object 类继承的方法

  • 克隆
  • 等于
  • 完成
  • getClass(获取类)
  • hashCode(哈希代码)
  • 通知
  • notifyAll(通知所有人)
  • toString
  • 等待

演示 Random 类用法的 Java 程序

// Java program to demonstrate
// method calls of Random class
import java.util.Random;

public class Test
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Random random = new Random();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[10];
        for(int i = 0; i< bytes.length; i++)
            System.out.printf("%d ", bytes[i]);


      long seed = 95;

      // Note: Running any of the code lines below
      // will keep the program running as each of the 
      // methods below produce an unlimited random 
      // values of the corresponding type

      /* System.out.println("Sum of all the elements in the IntStream returned = " + 
      System.out.println("Count of all the elements in the DoubleStream returned = " + 
      System.out.println("Count of all the elements in the LongStream returned = " + 




[-44 75 68 89 81 -72 -1 -66 -64 117 ]


  • Oracle

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