JavaFX |组类


Group 类是 JavaFX 的一部分。组包含节点的数量。组将采用其子代的集体边界,并且不能直接调整大小。组类继承父类。


  1. 组():构建一个新的组。
  2. 组(集合子代) :构造一个具有指定节点的新组。
  3. 组(节点… c) :用指定的节点构建一个新的组。


方法 说明
getChildren() 返回组的子代。
isAutoSizeChildren() 获取属性 autoSizeChildren 的值。
明八(双宽) 返回用于布局计算的节点最小高度。
最小宽度(双倍高度) 返回用于布局计算的节点最小宽度。
预高(双倍宽) 组将首选高度简单地定义为其布局边界的高度。
预宽度(双倍高度) 组将首选宽度简单地定义为其布局边界的宽度。
setautosizeren(boolean v) 设置属性 autoSizeChildren 的值。


  1. Java Program to create a Group and add it to the stage: In this program we are creating a Label named label, and a Circle named circle. Now create a Group name group and add the label and circle to it by using the getChildren().add() function. Create a scene and add the group to the scene. Add the scene to the stage and display the stage to view the final results.

    ```java // Java Program to create a Group // and add it to the stage import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.; import javafx.scene.layout.; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.canvas.; import javafx.scene.web.; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.shape.*;

    public class Group_1 extends Application {

    // launch the application     public void start(Stage stage)     {

    try {

    // set title for the stage             stage.setTitle("Group");

    // create a Group             Group group = new Group();

    // create a label             Label label = new Label("this is Group example");

    // add label to group             group.getChildren().add(label);

    // circle             Circle c = new Circle(100, 100, 30);

    // add Circle to Group             group.getChildren().add(c);

    // create a scene             Scene scene = new Scene(group, 400, 300);

    // set the scene             stage.setScene(scene);;         }

    catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println(e.getMessage());         }     }

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // launch the application         launch(args);     } } ```


  2. Java Program to create a Group, set auto resize to true and add it to the stage: In this program we are creating a Label named label and a Circle named circle. Then we will create a Group name group and add the label and circle to it by using the getChildren().add() function. Set the auto size children to true using the setAutoSize() function. Create a scene and add the group to the scene. Add the scene to the stage and display the stage to view the final results.

    ```java // Java Program to create a Group, // set auto resize to true // and add it to the stage import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.; import javafx.scene.layout.; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.canvas.; import javafx.scene.web.; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.shape.*;

    public class Group_2 extends Application {

    // launch the application     public void start(Stage stage)     {

    try {

    // set title for the stage             stage.setTitle("Group");

    // create a Group             Group group = new Group();

    // create a label             Label label = new Label("this is Group example");

    // add label to group             group.getChildren().add(label);

    // circle             Circle c = new Circle(50, 50, 30);

    // set auto resize             group.setAutoSizeChildren(true);

    // add Circle to Group             group.getChildren().add(c);

    // create a scene             Scene scene = new Scene(group, 400, 300);

    // set the scene             stage.setScene(scene);;         }

    catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println(e.getMessage());         }     }

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // launch the application         launch(args);     } } ```


注意:上述程序可能无法在在线 IDE 中运行。请使用离线编译器。

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/JavaFX/API/JavaFX/scene/group . html