Java . util . function . DoubleBinaryOperator 接口示例

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-util-function-double binaryoperator-interface-with-examples/

在 Java 8 中引入了双二进制运算符接口。它表示对两个双精度值的操作,并将结果作为双精度值返回。这是一个功能接口,因此可以用作 lambda 表达式或方法引用。它主要用于需要从用户封装操作的时候。


  1. [applyastdouble ()] : This function takes two double precision values, performs the required operation, and returns the result as double precision.

    ```java public double applyAsDouble(double val1, double val2)



// Java program to demonstrate DoubleBinaryOperator

import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator;

public class DoubleBinaryOperatorDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        double x = 7.654;
        double y = 5.567;

        // Representing addition as
        // the double binary operator
        DoubleBinaryOperator doubleBinaryOperator
            = (a, b) -> { return a + b; };
        System.out.println("x + y = "
                           + doubleBinaryOperator
                                 .applyAsDouble(x, y));

        // Representing subtraction as
        // the double binary operator
            = (a, b) -> { return a - b; };
        System.out.println("x - y = "
                           + doubleBinaryOperator
                                 .applyAsDouble(x, y));

        // Representing multiplication as
        // the double binary operator
            = (a, b) -> { return a * b; };
        System.out.println("x * y = "
                           + doubleBinaryOperator
                                 .applyAsDouble(x, y));

        // Representing division as
        // the double binary operator
            = (a, b) -> { return a / b; };
        System.out.println("x / y = "
                           + doubleBinaryOperator
                                 .applyAsDouble(x, y));

        // Representing remainder operation
        // as the double binary operator
            = (a, b) -> { return a % b; };
        System.out.println("x % y = "
                           + doubleBinaryOperator
                                 .applyAsDouble(x, y));


x + y = 13.221
x - y = 2.0869999999999997
x * y = 42.609818000000004
x / y = 1.3748877312735763
x % y = 2.0869999999999997

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/docs/API/Java/util/function/double binaryoperator . html