GWT 和 React 的区别

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/区别-gwt-and-react/

GWT 是一个开发工具包,用于构建和优化复杂的基于浏览器的应用程序。它的目标是实现高性能 web 应用程序的高效开发,而开发人员不必是浏览器怪癖、XMLHttpRequest 和 JavaScript 方面的专家。它是开源的,完全免费的,全世界成千上万的开发者都在使用它。

GWT 特色:

  • GWT allows easy integration with Junit and Maven.
  • GWT generates optimized JavaScript code.
  • GWT automatically generates JavaScript code suitable for each browser.
  • GWT is a framework for building large-scale high-performance web applications.

ReactJS 是一个声明性的、动态的、可扩展的 JavaScript 库,用于构建应用程序的前端或用户界面。它是一个开源的、基于组件的前端库,只负责 web 应用和移动应用的视图层。它由脸书提供和管理。

ReactJS 的特点:

  • Because of its adaptive structure and scalability, it is reasonable for large-scale applications.
  • Developers from all over the world are trying to add more features.
  • It enables developers to reuse different levels of code components when dealing with projects.

GWT 与 React 的区别:

| **反应** | **GWT** | | React has dynamic typing. | There is no dynamic typing. | | React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. | GWT is a development kit for developing web applications. | | The complex architecture of In React makes it difficult for traditional methods to keep up. | Real-time data stream processing is easy. | | React was developed by Jordan Walker and Dennis popov. | GWT was developed by Google. | | Most of the development of React is done by users. | GWT users are very few. | | It makes API calls and processes data in the browser. | GWT handles requests and authentication from browsers, makes database calls and so on. | | React has MVC as its design pattern. | GWT has model views, presenter activities and places. | | React has no WYSIWYG editor. | GWT WYSIWYG editor. | | React is based on JavaScript. | GWT is based on Java programming language. |