角度 2 和反应之间的差异

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/angular-2 和-reactjs 之差/

1。Angular 2 : Angular 2 是 AngularJS 的后续版本,是谷歌 Angular 团队对 Angular JS 的完整重写。它不是典型的更新,但它与 AngularJS 完全不同。Angular 2 是一个用于构建 web 应用程序的开源前端 web 开发框架,具有强大的功能和支持。

2。ReactJS : ReactJS 是一个声明性的、动态的、可扩展的 JavaScript 库,用于构建应用程序的前端或用户界面。它是一个开源的、基于组件的前端库,只负责 web 应用程序和移动应用程序的视图层。它由脸书提供和管理。

Angular 2 与 ReactJS 的区别:

| s No. | 角度 2 | ReactJS | | --- | --- | --- | | 1。 | Released in September 2016. | It was released in May 2013. | | 2。 | It is an open source sourcedeterminesways application framework. | It is a JavaScript-based library. | | 3。 | Written using TypeScript. | It is written in JavaScript. | | 4。 | It provides complete MVC function. | The view layer responsible for web applications. | | 5。 | Angular provides template methods for dynamic HTML, which makes it easy to make applications functional. | In ReactJS, HTML is implemented by javascript, which makes it confusing. | | 6。 | Compared with ReactJS, debugging of Angular 2 is more difficult. | Compared with Angular 2, debugging in ReactJS is easy. | | 7。 | It provides bidirectional data binding, that is, bidirectional data flow. | Provide one-way data binding, that is, one-way data flow. | | 8。 | Scalability is good, and fixed boundary is determined. | Scalable, uncertain of any boundary. | | 9。 | Optimization code is less flexible in Angular 2. | Code optimization is highly flexible in ReactJS. |