什么是 AngularJs 全局 API?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/what-the-anglarjs-global-API/

AngularJS中的全局 API API 代表应用编程接口。它是一组用于构建软件应用程序的协议、例程和工具,允许用户与应用程序交互并执行若干任务。

在 AngularJS 中,全局 API 是一组全局 Javascript 函数,用于执行比较对象、迭代对象、转换数据等任务。

AngularJS 中的一些 API 函数如下所示:

  • angular.lowercase: This converts the string into lowercase.


    ts angular.lowercase(string);

    例 1:



    {{"Before Conversion: " + i1 }}


    {{"After Conversion: " + i2 }}

                 var app = angular.module('App', []);         app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {             $scope.i1 = "GeeksforGeeks";             // converting string into lowercase             $scope.i2 = angular.lowercase($scope.i1);          });     



    ```ts Before Conversion: GeeksforGeeks
    After Conversion: geeksforgeeks


  • angular.uppercase: This converts the string into uppercase.


    ts angular.uppercase(string);

    例 2:



    {{"Before Conversion: " + i1 }}


    {{"After Conversion: " + i2 }}

                 var app = angular.module('App', []);         app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {             $scope.i1 = "geeksforGeeks";             // converting string into uppercase             $scope.i2 = angular.uppercase($scope.i1);          });     



    ```ts Before Conversion: geeksforgeeks After Conversion: GEEKSFORGEEKS


  • angular.isString: This check the given value is a string or not, if the value is string then it returns true else it returns false.


    ts angular.isString(value);



    {{"Value is: " + i1 }}


    {{"Value is string: " + i2 }}

                 var app = angular.module('App', []);         app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {             $scope.i1 = 15;             // checks whether the given value is a string             $scope.i2 = angular.isString($scope.i1);          });     



    ```ts Value is: 15 Value is String: false


  • angular.isNumber: This checks whether the given value is number or not, if it is a number then it returns true else it returns false.


    ts angular.isNumber(value);



    {{"Value is: " + i1 }}


    {{"Value is string: " + i2 }}

                 var app = angular.module('App', []);         app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {             $scope.i1 = 15;             // checks whether the given value is a number             $scope.i2 = angular.isNumber($scope.i1);          });     



    ```ts Value is: 15 Value is Number: true


    AngularJS 中更多的 API 如下:

  • angular.isDate: 检查给定值是否为日期

  • angular.isArray: 检查给定的引用是否是数组
  • angular . is function:检查给定的引用是否是函数
  • angular . isobject:检查给定的引用是否是对象