【ngRoute 和 ui-router 有什么区别?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/ngroute 和-ui-router 的区别是什么/

ngRoute:ngRoute 是 AngularJS 团队开发的一个模块,它是 AngularJS 早期核心的一部分。这是一个模块,这样可以更好地管理基本场景,更少的复杂性处理得更好。

ui-router:ui-router 是在 AngularJS 项目之外制作的框架,用于增强和提高路由能力。这是一个框架,因此它将帮助您组织项目界面的各个部分


| ng 路线 | 用户界面路由器 | | --- | --- | | Ngrourt is ideal for smaller apps that don't need to inherit pages from other sections. | Ui-router is effective for larger applications because it allows **nested views** and **multiple named views, and** it helps to inherit pages from other parts. | | All the links must be changed manually in ngRoute, which is time-consuming for larger applications, but the smaller application nrRoute will execute faster. | In ui-router, it allows strongly typed links between states, so if you change the links anywhere, it will change the links everywhere. Must be used by **ui-sref** . | | ng route 0300000 美元[t0 美元的路由器供应商]t1 | ngRoute 的路由器提供者 *$州提供者*$ T2 提供者 | | The template view of ngRoute is *ng-view* , which is better than *UI-view* . | Template view of ui-router *UI-view* is more powerful for multi-page inheritance of other parts. | | You can't be sure if you're in a state. | You can easily determine whether you are in the parent of adjusting the status or status of UI elements in the template through *$ state* provided by ui-router, and you can expose the status by setting it in *$ rootscope* at runtime. | | ngRoute 的路由器启动事件 *$ routerchangestart* | ngRoute 的路由器启动事件 *$ stateChangeStart* | | 要在 ngRoute *$路线- > $路线。当前。参数。id【T76* | Ui-router organized around state routing. |

结论:两者对于各自的领域表现都比较好,在两者之间选择取决于你的项目。如果您的项目应用程序包含复杂的视图,我会更喜欢 ui-router 而不是 ng-Route ,否则会有很多其他功能以某种方式帮助您构建项目。如果您的项目包含不太复杂的视图,那么您可以自由选择。