Node.js path.format()方法



  • If the "dir" parameter is provided, the "root" parameter of the path object is ignored.
  • If the Basic parameter is provided, the "ext" and "name" parameters of the path object are ignored.


path.format( pathObject )


  • dir: It specifies the directory name of the path object.
  • Root: Specifies the root of the path object.
  • Basis: Specify the basis of the path object.
  • Name: Specifies the file name of the path object.
  • ext: Specify the file extension of the path object.


下面的程序说明了 Node.js 中的 path.format()方法:

例 1: 在 POSIX

// Import the path module
const path = require('path');

// CASE 1
// If "dir", "root" and "base" are all given,
// "root" is ignored.
let path1 = path.format({
    root: "/ignored/root/",
    dir: "/home/user/personal",
    base: "details.txt",
console.log("Path 1:", path1);

// CASE 2
// If "dir" is not specified then "root" will be used 
// If only "root" is provided
// platform separator will not be included.
// "ext" will be ignored.
let path2 = path.format({
    root: "/",
    base: "game.dat",
    ext: ".noextension",
console.log("Path 2:", path2);

// CASE 3
// If "base" is not specified
// "name" and "ext" will be used 
let path3 = path.format({
    root: "/images/",
    name: "image",
    ext: ".jpg",
console.log("Path 3:", path3);


Path 1: /home/user/personal/details.txt
Path 2: /game.dat
Path 3: /images/image.jpg

示例 2: 在 Windows 上

// Import the path module
const path = require('path');

// CASE 1
// If "dir", "root" and "base" are all given,
// "root" is ignored.
let path1 = path.format({
    root: "C:\\ignored\\root",
    dir: "website\\dist",
    base: "index.html",
console.log("Path 1:", path1);

// CASE 2
// If "dir" is not specified then "root"
// will be used 
// If only "root" is provided platform
// separator will not be included.
// "ext" will be ignored.
let path2 = path.format({
    root: "C:\\",
    base: "style.css",
    ext: ".ignored",
console.log("Path 2:", path2);

// CASE 3
// If "base" is not specified
// "name" and "ext" will be used 
let path3 = path.format({
    root: "website\\",
    name: "main",
    ext: ".js",
console.log("Path 3:", path3);


Path 1: website\dist\index.html
Path 2: C:\style.css
Path 3: website\main.js

参考:https://nodejs . org/API/path . html # path _ path _ format _ pathobject