Node.js fs.mkdtempSync()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-fs-mkdtempsync-method/

fs.mkdtempSync()方法是 fs 模块的内置应用程序编程接口,它提供了一个应用编程接口,用于以一种围绕标准 POSIX 函数紧密建模的方式与文件系统交互。fs.mkdtempSync()方法创建一个唯一的临时目录。这是 fs.mkdtemp()方法的同步版本。


fs.mkdtempSync( prefix, options )


  • Prefix: Attach six random characters to the prefix to create a unique temporary directory.
  • Option: Optional parameter, which can be a character string with specified code or an object with code attribute, and specify the character code to be used.


下面的例子说明了 fs.mkdtempSync()方法在 Node.js 中的使用:

例 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the    
// fs.mkdtempSync() method    

// It includes fs module         
const fs = require('fs');    

// It includes os module         
const os = require('os');    

// It includes path module         
const path = require('path');

// Return the created folder
    path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'foo-')));



例 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the    
// fs.mkdtempSync() method    

// It includes fs module         
const fs = require('fs');

// It includes os module
const os = require('os');

const tmpDir = os.tmpdir();

const { sep } = require('path');

// Print something similar to `/tmp/abc123`.
// A new temporary directory is created within
// the /tmp directory.



参考:https://nodejs . org/API/fs . html # fs _ fs _ mkdtmpsync _ prefix _ options