节点 js 导出模块


Node.js 中的模块. export用于将任何文字、函数或对象作为一个模块导出。它用于将 JavaScript 文件包含到 node.js 应用程序中。模块类似于用于表示当前模块的变量,导出是作为模块公开的对象。


  • js module.exports = literal | function | object


  • js module.exports.variable = literal | function | object


示例 1: 导出文字

  • Create a file named app.js and use module.exports to export the text.

    js module.exports = "GeeksforGeeks";

  • Create a file named index.js , and import the file app.js to print the exported text to the console.

    js const company = require("./app"); console.log(company);

  • Output:

    js GeeksforGeeks

示例 2: 导出对象

  • Create a file named app.js and use module.exports to export the object.

    js module.exports = {   name: 'GeeksforGeeks',   website: 'https://geeksforgeeks.org' }

  • Create a file named index.js , and import the file app.js to print the exported object data to the console.

    ```js const company = require('./app');

    console.log(company.name); console.log(company.website); ```

  • Output:

    ```js GeeksforGeeks https://geeksforgeeks.org


示例 3: 导出功能

  • 创建一个名为 app.js 的文件,并使用module.exports导出该函数。

    js module.exports = function (a, b) {   console.log(a + b); }

  • 创建一个名为 index.js 的文件,导入文件 app.js 使用导出的功能。

    ```js const sum = require('./app');

    sum(2, 5); ```

  • 输出:

    js 7

示例 4: 将函数导出为类

  • Create a file named app.js . Use this keyword to define the function, and use module.exports to export the function.

    js module.exports = function () {   this.name = 'GeeksforGeeks';   this.website = 'https://geeksforgeeks.org';   this.info = () => {     console.log(`Company name - ${this.name}`);     console.log(`Website - ${this.website}`);   } }

  • Create a file named index.js , import the file app.js and use the exported function as a class.

    ```js const Company = require('./app');

    const firstCompany = new Company();

    firstCompany.info(); ```

  • Output:

    ```js Company name - GeeksforGeeks Website - https://geeksforgeeks.org


示例 5: 从单独的文件夹

const index = require('./models/lang/index.js');


说明:在上面的例子中,index.js 文件位于 models 文件夹内的 lang 文件夹下。我们可以使用./转到根文件夹,然后相对于它移动。