node . js crypto . getdiffihellman()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-crypto-getdiffihellman-method/

crypto . getdiffeiehellman()方法用于创建预定义的diffeiehellmangroup密钥交换对象。这里,受青睐的群体是 RFC 2412 中定义的‘mod P1’、‘mod p2’、‘mod P5’和 RFC 3526 中定义的‘mod p14’、‘mod p15’、‘mod p16’、‘mod P17’、‘mod p18’。


crypto.getDiffieHellman( groupName )


返回类型:返回差分 HellmanGroup 密钥交换对象。

以下示例说明了在 Node.js 中使用crypto . getdiffihellman()方法:

例 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.getDiffieHellman() method

// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');

// Calling getDiffieHellman method
// with its parameter groupName
const diffiehellmangrp = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp14');

// Prints DiffieHellmanGroup key exchange object
console.log("Key exchange object : ", diffiehellmangrp);


Key exchange object :  DiffieHellmanGroup 
{ _handle: { verifyError: [Getter] }, verifyError: 0 }

例 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.getDiffieHellman() method

// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');

// Calling two getDiffieHellman method
// with its parameter, groupName
const diffiehellmangrp1 = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp14');
const diffiehellmangrp2 = crypto.getDiffieHellman('modp14');

// Generating keys

// Computing secret
const diffiehellmangrp1sc = diffiehellmangrp1
.computeSecret(diffiehellmangrp2.getPublicKey(), null, 'hex');

const diffiehellmangrp2sc = diffiehellmangrp2
.computeSecret(diffiehellmangrp1.getPublicKey(), null, 'hex');

// Checking if both the secrets are same or not
console.log(diffiehellmangrp1sc === diffiehellmangrp2sc);



参考:https://nodejs . org/API/crypt . html # crypt _ crypt _ getdifllman _ group name