Node.js crypto.randomFill()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-crypto-random fill-method/

crypto.randomFill()方法与 crypto.randomBytes()方法相同,但唯一的区别是这里的第一个参数是将被填充的buffer,它还有一个作为参数传递的回调函数。但是,如果回调函数不可用,则会引发错误。


crypto.randomFill( buffer, offset, size, callback )


  • buffer: This parameter holds data of buffer, TypedArray or DataView type.
  • Offset: is a number with a default value of 0.
  • Size: is a numerical value, and the default value is (buffer. length–offset) .
  • Callback: is a function with two parameters, namely err and buf.


下面的例子说明了 crypto.randomFill()方法在 Node.js 中的使用:

例 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.randomFill() method

// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');

// Defining buffer
const buf = Buffer.alloc(6);

// Calling randomFill method with two
// of its parameters
crypto.randomFill(buf, (err, buf) => {

  if (err) throw err;

  // Prints random data in buffer

// Calling randomFill method with all
// its parameters
crypto.randomFill(buf, 3, 2, (err, buf) => {

  if (err) throw err;

  // Prints random data in buffer

// The output of this is same as above
crypto.randomFill(buf, 3, 3, (err, buf) => {

  if (err) throw err;





例 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the 
// crypto.randomFill() method

// Including crypto module
const crypto = require('crypto');

// Defining dataview
const datv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(6));

// Calling randomFill method with DataView
// instance as buffer
crypto.randomFill(datv, (err, buf) => {

  if (err) throw err;

  // Prints random data which is encoded
         buf.byteOffset, buf.byteLength)



这里,任何类型的 dArray 或 DataView 实例都作为缓冲区传递,在每次运行中,您将获得不同的输出。

参考:https://nodejs . org/API/crypt . html # crypt _ crypt _ randomill _ buffer _ offset _ size _ callback