node . js buffer . writebiguint64le()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/node-js-buffer-writebiguint64le-method/

Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE()方法是 Buffer 模块中类 Buffer 的内置应用编程接口,用于将小端 64 位大整数值写入指定偏移量处的已分配缓冲区。


Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE( value, offset )


  • 值:此参数指定要写入缓冲区的大整数值。它应该是一个有效的 64 位小端大整数值。当值不是这个值时,行为是未定义的。 offset: It specifies the number of bytes to skip before write or simply signify the index in the buffer. The value of offset lies 0 <= offset <= Buffer.length – 8*. Its default value is 0.


    下面的例子说明了在 Node.js 中使用 Buffer.writeBigUInt64LE()方法:

    示例 1: 文件名:index.js

    ```js // Node.js program to demonstrate the // buffer.writeBigUInt64LE() method  const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);

    // Writing big integer value into buffer // by using writeBigUInt64LE() method buf.writeBigUInt64LE(0x01030405060708n, 0);

    // display the buffer console.log(buf); ```

    使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

    js node index.js




    示例 2: 文件名:index.js

    ```js // Node.js program to demonstrate the // buffer.writeBigUInt64LE() method  const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);

    // writing big integer value into buffer // by using writeBigUInt64LE() method buf.writeBigUInt64LE(0xaa03040506efffn, 0);

    // Display the buffer console.log(buf); ```

    使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:

    js node index.js




    参考:https://nodejs . org/dist/latest-v 12 . x/docs/API/buffer . html # buffer _ buf _ writebiguint64le _ value _ offset