CSS 选择器的作用


在本文中,我们将讨论在设计网页时 CSS 选择器是如何重要的。CSS 选择器在响应网页中的作用非常重要。让我们一个一个讨论。 子选择器的作用:在子选择器中,任何元素的属性都是另一个元素的直接父元素。


if article > p  

它定义段落元素是文章的直接子元素,那么 CSS 选择器属性将适用。


<!DOCTYPE html>


        /* In child selector any article
        element whose immediate parent is
        a section element. */
        section > article {
            color: green;
            font-size: 16px;

        /* In child selector any h2
        element whose immediate parent
        is a section element. */
        section > h2 {
            color: green;

    <h1>Child Selector</h1>

        <h2>Subheading 1</h2>

        <!-- Applicable to Subheading 1
            because h2 is direct child
            of section here. -->
                In this example, article is
                not the direct child and
                ARTICLE which is inside DIV,
                which is inside SECTION. In
                CSS properties of child,
                selector will not apply in
                this section.

    <h2>Subheading 2</h2>
            In this example ARTICLE as a
            direct child of the SECTION
            element. In CSS properties
            of child, selector will directly
            apply in this section.

        <!-- Not applicable for Subheading 2,
            because h2 is not direct child
            of section here. -->


上述代码的输出验证了子 CSS 选择器属性是否适用于节元素。


后代选择器的角色:后代选择器的 CSS 选择器属性适用于每一个级别或父元素。 语法:

section li



<!DOCTYPE html>


        /* In this Descendant selector,
        properties will be applicable to
        all "li" elements that are inside
        section element. */
        section li {
            color: green;

    <h1>Descendant Selector</h1>
        Table of contents:
            <li>Article 1</li>
            <li>Article 2</li>
            <li>Article 3</li>
        Shopping List:

