如何用 JavaScript/jQuery 去掉<style>标签的 CSS 样式?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/how-remove-CSS-style-of-style-tag-use-JavaScript-jquery/

给定一个包含内嵌和内部 CSS 的 HTML 文档,任务是移除

方法:jQueryremove()empty() 方法用于移除<样式>元素的 CSS 样式。

示例 1: 本示例使用 remove()方法 移除<样式>元素的 CSS 样式。


        How to remove CSS style of style
        tag using JavaScript/jQuery ?

    <script src=

        .parent {
            background: green;
        .child {
            background: blue;
            margin: 10px;

<body style = "text-align:center;">  

    <h1 style = "color:green;" >  

    <p id = "GFG_UP" style = 
        "font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;"> 

    <div class="parent" id = "parent" 
            style = "color: red; font-size: 22px">
        <div class="child">

    <button onclick = "GFG_Fun()">
        click here

    <p id = "GFG_DOWN" style = 
        "font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: green;"> 

        var up = document.getElementById('GFG_UP');
        var down = document.getElementById('GFG_DOWN');
        var parent = document.getElementById('parent');

        up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to remove "
            + "the CSS from the < style > tag only."; 

        function GFG_Fun() {
            down.innerHTML = "Style tag has been removed.";



  • 点击按钮前:
  • 点击按钮后:

示例 2: 本示例使用 jQuery empty()方法 移除<样式>元素的 CSS 样式。


        How to remove CSS style of style
        tag using JavaScript/jQuery ?

    <script src=

        .parent {
            background: green;
        .child {
            background: blue;
            margin: 10px;

<body style = "text-align:center;">  

    <h1 style = "color:green;" >  

    <p id = "GFG_UP" style = 
        "font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;"> 

    <div class="parent" id = "parent" 
            style = "color: red; font-size: 22px">
        <div class="child">

    <button onclick = "GFG_Fun()">
        click here

    <p id = "GFG_DOWN" style = 
        "font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: green;"> 

        var up = document.getElementById('GFG_UP');
        var down = document.getElementById('GFG_DOWN');
        var parent = document.getElementById('parent');

        up.innerHTML = "Click on the button to remove the"
                + " CSS from the < style > tag only."; 

        function GFG_Fun() {
            down.innerHTML = "Style tag has been removed.";



  • 点击按钮前:
  • 点击按钮后: