如何在 CSS 中的选择器后使用:在元素后添加空格(" ")?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何在元素后添加空格使用 css 中的后选择器/

:CSS 中的后选择器,用于在其他元素的内容后多次添加相同的内容。它在每个选定元素的内容后插入一些内容。


:after {
    // CSS Property

示例 1: 本示例使用:after 选择器在元素后添加空格。

<!-- HTML code to add space after the
    selected element -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

        Add space after selected element

    <!-- Style to add space after selected
        element -->
        p:after { 
            content:"\00a0 World-with space"
        p.GFG:after { 
            content:"World-without space"

    <p class="GFG" >Hi</p>


示例 2: 本示例使用:after 选择器在元素后添加空格。

<!-- HTML code to add space after the
    selected element -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
           Add space after selected element

       <!-- Style to add space after the
        selected elements -->
          h2 {
            text-decoration: underline;
          h2.space:after {
              content: " ";
              white-space: pre;

        <h2>I don't have a space:</h2>
        <h2 class="space">I have a space:</h2>
