如何用 CSS 创建弹跳泡泡效果?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何使用-css/ 创建反弹气泡效果


方法:基本思想是使用< lspan >元素创建一个截面,给它一个圆形,然后通过使用 CSS 动画属性 translateY,气泡可以沿着 Y 轴上下移动。可以遵循以下步骤来获得期望的结果。

  1. 使用 span 元素创建几个容器,如下所示:

    html <div class="dot">     <span></span>     <span></span>     <span></span>     <span></span> </div>

  2. 要使容器看起来是球形的,边界半径必须更改为:边界半径:50%;

  3. 为了给球体一个泡泡般的效果,不透明度和背景颜色可以改变为:背景颜色:# DF0101 不透明度:0.8;
  4. 位置必须设置为绝对,气泡可以相应地设置为任何位置。
  5. 为了使效果更真实,尺寸可以随着气泡到达表面而改变(即增加宽度和降低高度)。
  6. 为了使气泡以无序的形式移动,动画延迟可以根据不同的气泡而变化,大小也可以变化。


<!DOCTYPE html>

        How to create a bouncing 
        bubble effect using CSS?

        * {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;

        /* To give the containers
           in spherical shape */
        .dot {
            border-radius: 50%;

        .dot span {

            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            border: 5px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            animation: animate 3s ease-in-out infinite;


        /*the animation*/
        @keyframes animate {
            0% {
                transform: translateY(-300px);

            50% {
                transform: translateY(190px);
                width: -100px;
                height: +100px;


            100% {
                transform: translateY(-300px);

        /* Each bubble is defined in a
           separate section */
        /* Set the color, opacity, delay and
           duration(i.e different speed) */
        .dot span:nth-child(1) {
            top: 300px;
            left: 250px;
            height: 160px;
            width: 160px;
            background-color: yellow;
            opacity: 0.7;
            animation-delay: 0.3s;
            animation-direction: reverse;

        .dot span:nth-child(2) {
            top: 310px;
            left: 400px;
            height: 190px;
            width: 190px;
            background-color: green;
            opacity: 0.9;
            animation-delay: 0.3s;
            animation-direction: reverse;
            animation-duration: 2.3s;

        .dot span:nth-child(3) {
            top: 300px;
            left: 700px;
            height: 140px;
            width: 140px;
            background-color: #a97f58;
            opacity: 0.9;
            animation-delay: 0.5s;
            animation-direction: reverse;
            animation-duration: 2.6s;

        .dot span:nth-child(4) {
            top: 300px;
            left: 1080px;
            height: 200px;
            width: 200px;
            background-color: #FA58AC;
            opacity: 0.9;
            animation-delay: 0.7s;
            animation-direction: reverse;
            animation-duration: 2.3s;

    <div class="dot">



