如何在 CSS 中定义背景的绘画区域?

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/如何定义 css 背景中的绘画区域/

任务是定义背景的绘画区域。 CSS 背景剪辑属性有一种平方度量受害的趋势,以勾勒出任何网页背景的绘画空间。它规定,在此范围内,我们将根据网页内容或包含的图像/视频修改网页背景。


background-clip: border-box/padding-box/content-box/initial/inherit;



| **Value** | **Description** | | *Border-box* | This value is prepared by default union without declaration, and it specifies the drawing space behind the border. | | *Filling box* | It specifies the drawing space between the borders that are not above it. | | *Content box* | It stipulates that the painting space is only in what we write. | | *Initial* | No matter what the previously declared property value is, as long as it is set to the default value again, the value of ***border*** can be indicated. | | *Inherit* | It works because it has been named that it inherits the drawing space of its parent component. |


  • 使用属性值:


<!DOCTYPE html>

        div {
            /* This sets CSS property of the border to
             be styled dashed and in green color with yellow 
             background having certain padding too */
            border: 20px dashed green;
            padding: 15px;
            background: yellow;


    <h1>Example for background-clip Property</h1>

    <div style="background-clip: border-box;">
        <!--This sets background-clip property to be border-box-->
        <h4>This value is set by default also when there is 
            no declaration and it specifies the painting
             area behind the border.</h4>

<p>background-clip: padding-box:</p>

    <div style="background-clip: padding-box;">
        <!--This sets background-clip property to be padding-box-->
        <h4>It specifies the painting area to
          be within the border not over it.</h4>

<p>background-clip: content-box:</p>

    <div style="background-clip: content-box;">
        <!--This sets background-clip property to be content-box-->
        <h4>It specifies the painting g area to be only 
            within the content we have written.</h4>




  • 使用 JavaScript 翻转数值:


<!DOCTYPE html>

        #GFG {
            /* This sets CSS property of the div which id is GFG to 
            be styled dashed and in green color with black background 
            having certain padding with background-clip to be 
            border-box by default*/
            width: 50%;
            height: 400px;
            padding: 15px;
            background-color: black;
            background-clip: border-box;
            border: 20px dashed green;


    <h1>Flip background-clip with JavaScript</h1>
    <!--These buttons works as per the onclick function 
        given to it and display the content accordingly-->
    <button onclick="myFunctionC()" style="width:200px;
                   background-color: black;
            Let's Change to content-box
    <button onclick="myFunctionP()" style="width:200px;
                   background-color: black;
            Let's Change to padding-box
    <button onclick="myFunctionI()" style="width:200px;
                   background-color: black;
            Let's back to initial
    <div id="GFG">

        /* These are the functions which will be triggered when the 
           corresponding button will be clicked and sets the 
           CSS background-clip property accordingly */
        function myFunctionC() {
                "GFG").style.backgroundClip = "content-box";

        function myFunctionP() {
                "GFG").style.backgroundClip = "padding-box";

        function myFunctionI() {
                "GFG").style.backgroundClip = "initial";


