用等分法求一个数的第 n 个根

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-n-number-root-use-divisioning-method/

给定两个正整数 NP 。任务是找到 PN 根。


输入: P = 1234321,N = 2 输出: 1111 说明:1234321 的平方根是 1111。

输入: P = 123456785,N = 20 T3】输出: 2.53849

方法:有多种方法可以解决给定的问题。下面的算法基于数学概念求根二等分法。为了求出给定数 P 的第 N 次幂根 N ,我们将在 x 中形成一个方程作为(xP–P = 0),目标是用二等分法求出这个方程的正根。

等分法是如何工作的? 取一个区间 (a,b) 这样就已经知道根是存在于那个区间的。之后,找到区间的中间,检查函数值及其在 x =中间的导数。

  • 如果函数值为 0,则表示找到了根
  • 如果函数值为正,其导数为负,这意味着根位于的右半部分。
  • 如果函数值为正,其导数为正,这意味着根位于的左半部分。



// C++ program for above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function that returns the value
// of the function at a given value of x
double f(double x, int p, double num)
    return pow(x, p) - num;
// calculating the value
// of the differential of the function
double f_prime(double x, int p)
    return p * pow(x, p - 1);

// The function that returns
// the root of given number
double root(double num, int p)

    // Defining range
    // on which answer can be found
    double left = -num;
    double right = num;

    double x;
    while (true) {

        // finding mid value
        x = (left + right) / 2.0;
        double value = f(x, p, num);
        double prime = f_prime(x, p);
        if (value * prime <= 0)
            left = x;
            right = x;
        if (value < 0.000001 && value >= 0) {
            return x;

// Driver code
int main()

    double P = 1234321;
    int N = 2;

    double ans = root(P, N);
    cout << ans;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG

  // Function that returns the value
  // of the function at a given value of x
  static double f(double x, int p, double num)
      return Math.pow(x, p) - num;

  // calculating the value
  // of the differential of the function
  static double f_prime(double x, int p)
      return p * Math.pow(x, p - 1);

  // The function that returns
  // the root of given number
  static double root(double num, int p)

      // Defining range
      // on which answer can be found
      double left = -num;
      double right = num;

      double x;
      while (true) {

          // finding mid value
          x = (left + right) / 2.0;
          double value = f(x, p, num);
          double prime = f_prime(x, p);
          if (value * prime <= 0)
              left = x;
              right = x;
          if (value < 0.000001 && value >= 0) {
              return x;

  // Driver code
  public static void main(String args[])

      double P = 1234321;
      int N = 2;

      double ans = root(P, N);

// This code is contributed by ihritik

Python 3

# python program for above approach

# Function that returns the value
# of the function at a given value of x
def f(x, p, num):

    return pow(x, p) - num

# calculating the value
# of the differential of the function
def f_prime(x, p):

    return p * pow(x, p - 1)

# The function that returns
# the root of given number
def root(num, p):

    # Defining range
    # on which answer can be found
    left = -num
    right = num

    x = 0
    while (True):

        # finding mid value
        x = (left + right) / 2.0
        value = f(x, p, num)
        prime = f_prime(x, p)
        if (value * prime <= 0):
            left = x
            right = x
        if (value < 0.000001 and value >= 0):
            return x

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    P = 1234321
    N = 2

    ans = root(P, N)

# This code is contributed by rakeshsahni


// C# program for the above approach

using System;

public class GFG

  // Function that returns the value
  // of the function at a given value of x
  static double f(double x, int p, double num)
      return Math.Pow(x, p) - num;

  // calculating the value
  // of the differential of the function
  static double f_prime(double x, int p)
      return p * Math.Pow(x, p - 1);

  // The function that returns
  // the root of given number
  static double root(double num, int p)

      // Defining range
      // on which answer can be found
      double left = -num;
      double right = num;

      double x;
      while (true) {

          // finding mid value
          x = (left + right) / 2.0;
          double value = f(x, p, num);
          double prime = f_prime(x, p);
          if (value * prime <= 0)
              left = x;
              right = x;
          if (value < 0.000001 && value >= 0) {
              return x;

  // Driver code
  public static void Main(string []args)

      double P = 1234321;
      int N = 2;

      double ans = root(P, N);

// This code is contributed by AnkThon

java 描述语言

        // JavaScript Program to implement
        // the above approach

        // Function that returns the value
        // of the function at a given value of x
        function f(x, p, num) {
            return Math.pow(x, p) - num;

        // calculating the value
        // of the differential of the function
        function f_prime(x, p) {
            return p * Math.pow(x, p - 1);

        // The function that returns
        // the root of given number
        function root(num, p) {

            // Defining range
            // on which answer can be found
            let left = -num;
            let right = num;

            let x;
            while (true) {

                // finding mid value
                x = (left + right) / 2.0;
                let value = f(x, p, num);
                let prime = f_prime(x, p);
                if (value * prime <= 0)
                    left = x;
                    right = x;
                if (value < 0.000001 && value >= 0) {
                    return x;

        // Driver code
        let P = 1234321;
        let N = 2;

        let ans = Math.floor(root(P, N));

// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh



时间复杂度: O(对数 P)。 辅助空间: O(1)。