



Input  : 1->2->3->4->5  
Output : 3

Input  : 1->2->3->4->5->6
Output : 4

我们已经讨论了迭代解决方案。 本文讨论了迭代解决方案。 假定该值为n,则以递归方式计算列表中节点的总数,并进行一半的计算。 然后,对于每个调用,将递归n递减 1。 返回n为零的节点。


// C++ program for Recursive approach to find 
// middle of singly linked list 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

// Tree Node Structure 
struct Node 
    int data; 
    struct Node* next; 

// Create new Node 
Node* newLNode(int data) 
    Node* temp = new Node; 
    temp->data = data; 
    temp->next = NULL; 
    return temp; 

// Function for finding midpoint recursively 
void midpoint_util(Node* head, int* n, Node** mid) 

    // If we reached end of linked list 
    if (head == NULL) 
        *n = (*n) / 2; 

    *n = *n + 1; 

    midpoint_util(head->next, n, mid); 

    // Rolling back, decrement n by one 
    *n = *n - 1; 
    if (*n == 0) 

        // Final answer 
        *mid = head; 

Node* midpoint(Node* head) 
    Node* mid = NULL; 
    int n = 1; 
    midpoint_util(head, &n, &mid); 
    return mid; 

int main() 
    Node* head = newLNode(1); 
    head->next = newLNode(2); 
    head->next->next = newLNode(3); 
    head->next->next->next = newLNode(4); 
    head->next->next->next->next = newLNode(5); 
    Node* result = midpoint(head); 
    cout << result->data << endl; 
    return 0; 


// Java program for Recursive approach to find  
// middle of singly linked list  
class GFG 

// Tree Node Structure  
static class Node  
    int data;  
    Node next;  

// Create new Node  
static Node newLNode(int data)  
    Node temp = new Node();  
    temp.data = data;  
    temp.next = null;  
    return temp;  

static int n; 
static Node mid; 

// Function for finding midpoint recursively  
static void midpoint_util(Node head )  

    // If we reached end of linked list  
    if (head == null)  
        n = (n) / 2;  

    n = n + 1;  


    // Rolling back, decrement n by one  
    n = n - 1;  
    if (n == 0)  

        // Final answer  
        mid = head;  

static Node midpoint(Node head)  
    mid = null;  
    n = 1;  
    return mid;  

// Driver code 
public static void main(String args[]) 
    Node head = newLNode(1);  
    head.next = newLNode(2);  
    head.next.next = newLNode(3);  
    head.next.next.next = newLNode(4);  
    head.next.next.next.next = newLNode(5);  
    Node result = midpoint(head);  
    System.out.print( result.data );  

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu  


# Python3 program for Recursive approach 
# to find middle of singly linked list 

# Node class  
class Node:  

    # Function to initialise the node object  
    def __init__(self, data):  
        self.data = data  
        self.next = None

# Create new Node 
def newLNode(data): 

    temp = Node(data) 
    temp.data = data 
    temp.next = None
    return temp 

mid = None
n = 0

# Function for finding midpoint recursively 
def midpoint_util(head ): 

    global n 
    global mid 

    # If we reached end of linked list 
    if (head == None): 

        n = int((n) / 2) 

    n = n + 1


    # Rolling back, decrement n by one 
    n = n - 1
    if (n == 0): 

        # Final answer 
        mid = head 

def midpoint(head): 

    global n 
    global mid 

    mid = None
    n = 1
    return mid 

# Driver Code  
if __name__=='__main__':  

    head = newLNode(1) 
    head.next = newLNode(2) 
    head.next.next = newLNode(3) 
    head.next.next.next = newLNode(4) 
    head.next.next.next.next = newLNode(5) 
    result = midpoint(head) 
    print( result.data ) 

# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


// C# program for Recursive approach to find  
// middle of singly linked list  
using System
class GFG 

// Tree Node Structure  
public class Node  
    public int data
    public Node next

// Create new Node  
static Node newLNode(int data)  
    Node temp = new Node()
    temp.data = data
    temp.next = null
    return tempstatic int n; 
static Node mid; 

// Function for finding midpoint recursively  
static void midpoint_util(Node head )  

    // If we reached end of linked list  
    if (head == null)  
        n = (n) / 2

    n = n + 1


    // Rolling back, decrement n by one  
    n = n - 1
    if (n == 0)  

        // Final answer  
        mid = head

static Node midpoint(Node head)  
    mid = null
    n = 1
    return mid// Driver code 
public static void Main() 
    Node head = newLNode(1)
    head.next = newLNode(2)
    head.next.next = newLNode(3)
    head.next.next.next = newLNode(4)
    head.next.next.next.next = newLNode(5)
    Node result = midpoint(head)
    Console.WriteLine( result.data )

// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 



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