带示例的 Java 中的 offsettimecomparteto()方法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/offsettime-compare to-method-in-Java-with-examples/

Java 中 OffsetTime 类的 compareTo() 方法将这个时间与另一个时间进行比较,如果它们相等,则返回零,或者根据比较结果返回正整数或负整数。


public int compareTo(OffsetTime other)





程序 1 :

// Java program to demonstrate the compareTo() method

import java.time.OffsetTime;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time1
            = OffsetTime.parse("15:30:30+07:00");

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time2
            = OffsetTime.parse("15:30:30+07:00");

        // gets the offset time1
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time1);

        // gets the offset time2
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time2);

        System.out.println("time1 when compared"
                           + " to time2 returns: "
                           + time1.compareTo(time2));


time1: 15:30:30+07:00
time1: 15:30:30+07:00
time1 when compared to time2 returns: 0

程序二 :

// Java program to demonstrate the compareTo() method

import java.time.OffsetTime;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time1
            = OffsetTime.parse("15:30:30+07:00");

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time2
            = OffsetTime.parse("12:10:30+07:00");

        // gets the offset time1
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time1);

        // gets the offset time2
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time2);

        System.out.println("time1 when compared"
                           + " to time2 returns: "
                           + time1.compareTo(time2));


time1: 15:30:30+07:00
time1: 12:10:30+07:00
time1 when compared to time2 returns: 1

程序 3: :

// Java program to demonstrate the compareTo() method

import java.time.OffsetTime;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time1
            = OffsetTime.parse("15:30:30+07:00");

        // Parses the time
        OffsetTime time2
            = OffsetTime.parse("17:10:30+07:00");

        // gets the offset time1
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time1);

        // gets the offset time2
        System.out.println("time1: "
                           + time2);

        System.out.println("time1 when compared"
                           + " to time2 returns: "
                           + time1.compareTo(time2));


time1: 15:30:30+07:00
time1: 17:10:30+07:00
time1 when compared to time2 returns: -1

参考:https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/docs/API/Java/time/offsettine . html # compare to-Java . time . offsettine-