Java 中的联网|集 1 ( 类)


这个类代表一个 IP 地址。它代表 32 位 IPv4 地址和 128 位 IPv6 地址。它是 Inet6Address 和 Inet4Address 类的超类。该类的一个实例由一个 IP 地址和一个主机名组成,这取决于主机名解析是否在创建过程中执行。 推荐阅读: IP 寻址|简介 这个类没有构造函数,只有静态方法,返回 InetAddress 类的实例供一般使用。


  1. getAddress() : 将此 InetAddress 对象的原始 IP 地址作为数组返回。字节在数组中出现的顺序与在 IP 地址中的顺序相同,即 getAddress[0]将包含最高顺序的字节。

    java Syntax : public byte[] getAddress()

  2. getHostAddress() : 以文本形式返回 IP 地址。

    java Syntax :public String getHostAddress()

  3. is anilocaladdress():如果该地址代表本地地址,则返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isAnyLocalAddress()

  4. islinklocaldaddress():如果该地址是链路本地地址,则返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isLinkLocalAddress()

  5. isLoopbackAddress() : 如果该地址是环回地址,则返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isLoopbackAddress()

  6. isMCGlobal() : 如果此多播地址具有全局作用域,则返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMCGloabal()

  7. IsmCellLocal():如果此多播地址有链接范围,则返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMCLinkLocal()

  8. 如果此多播地址具有节点作用域,则 isMCNodeLocal() : 返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMCNodeLocal()

  9. 如果此多播地址具有组织范围,则 isMCOrgLocal() : 返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMCOrgLoacal()

  10. 如果此多播地址具有站点范围,则 ISCSITELOCAL():返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMCSiteLocal()

  11. isMulticastAddress() : 如果该地址是一个 IP 多播地址,则返回 true。多播地址的前 4 位是 1110。

    java Syntax :public boolean isMulticastAddress()

  12. 如果该地址是站点本地地址,issitelocaddress():返回 true。

    java Syntax :public boolean isSiteLocalAddress()()

  13. hashCode() : 返回与此地址对象关联的 hashCode。

    java Syntax : public int hashCode()

  14. equals() : returns true if this ip address is same as that of the object specified. Equals() method don’t consider host names while comparing and only consider IP address associated.

    java Syntax : public boolean equals(Object obj) Parameters : obj : object to compare with

    ```java // Java program to illustrate // Inetaddress class methods import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays;

    public class inetadd  {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException          {

    String url = "";         byte addr[]={127, 0, 0, 1};         InetAddress ip1 =  Inet4Address.getByName(url);         InetAddress ip2 =  InetAddress.getByAddress(addr);

    // Following methods checks the property of the thus created object.         // getAddress() method         System.out.println("Address : " + Arrays.toString(ip1.getAddress()));

    // getHostAddress() method         System.out.println("Host Address : " + ip1.getHostAddress());

    // isAnyLocalAddress() method         System.out.println("isAnyLocalAddress : " + ip1.isAnyLocalAddress());

    // isLinkLocalAddress() method         System.out.println("isLinkLocalAddress : " + ip1.isLinkLocalAddress());

    // isLoopbackAddress() method         System.out.println("isLoopbackAddress : " + ip1.isLoopbackAddress());

    // isMCGlobal() method         System.out.println("isMCGlobal : " + ip1.isMCGlobal());

    // isMCLinkLocal() method         System.out.println("isMCLinkLocal : " + ip1.isMCLinkLocal());

    // isMCNodeLocal() method         System.out.println("isMCNodeLocal : " + ip1.isMCNodeLocal());

    // isMCOrgLocal() method         System.out.println("isMCOrgLocal : " + ip1.isMCOrgLocal());

    // isMCSiteLocal() method         System.out.println("isMCSiteLocal : " + ip1.isMCSiteLocal());

    // isMulticastAddress() method         System.out.println("isMulticastAddress : " + ip1.isMulticastAddress());

    // isSiteLocalAddress() method         System.out.println("isSiteLocalAddress : " + ip1.isSiteLocalAddress());

    // hashCode() method         System.out.println("hashCode : " + ip1.hashCode());

    // equals() method         System.out.println("ip1==ip2 : " + ip1.equals(ip2));     }

    } ```


    ```java Address : [52, 84, 102, 90] Host Address : isAnyLocalAddress : false isLinkLocalAddress : false isLoopbackAddress : false isMCGlobal : false isMCLinkLocal : false isMCNodeLocal : false isMCOrgLocal : false isMCSiteLocal : false isMulticastAddress : false isSiteLocalAddress : false hashCode : 877946458 ip1==ip2 : false


  15. isReachable() : Returns true if this address is reachable. ICMP echo requests are used if permission can be granted otherwise the host tries to make a TCP connection at port 7 of the destination. This method is used generally as a pre-condition in various programs, to avoid Host Unreachable exceptions in future.

    ```java Syntax :public boolean isReachable(int timeout) throws IOException Parameters : timeout : time after which the call aborts, resulting in false value. Throws : IOException : if network error occurs


    另一个重载的 isReachable()方法指定了检查可达性时要使用的网络接口,ttl 参数指定了回声数据包在退出网络之前的跳数。

  16. ```java Syntax :public boolean isReachable(NetworkInterface netif, int ttl, int timeout) throws IOException Parameters : netif : Network interface to use ttl : time to live in milliseconds timeout : time after which the call aborts, resulting in false value. Throws : IOException : if network error occurs


  17. 获取主机名():返回该 IP 地址的主机名。如果创建此对象时使用的主机名不同于返回的主机名,则执行反向查找以返回系统配置的主机名。

    java Syntax :public String getHostName()

  18. getCanonicalHostName() : 返回此对象的完全限定域名。如果创建此对象时使用的主机名不同于返回的主机名,则执行反向查找以返回系统配置的主机名。

    java Syntax :public String getCanonicalHostName()

  19. toString() : 将 IP 地址转换为字符串。它将结果作为主机名/ IP 地址返回。

    java Syntax :public String toString()

  20. getByAddress() : One of the static methods to create an InetAddress object. It takes host name and IP address as its parameter. Host name can be the machine name as in “” or its textual IP address.

    java Syntax : public static InetAddress getByAddress(String host, byte[] addr) throws UnknownHostException Parameters : host : hostname addr : byte address for this object Throws : UnknownHostException : if IP address is of illegal length

    另一个重载方法,只接受字节地址,没有主机名。它只返回带有这个原始 IP 地址的 InetAddress 对象。

  21. java Syntax : public static InetAddress getByAddress(byte[] addr) throws UnknownHostException Parameters : host : hostname addr : byte address for this object Throws : UnknownHostException : if IP address is of illegal length

  22. getByName() : 返回指定主机的 IP 地址。如果主机是一个字面上的 IP 地址,那么只检查其有效性。

    java Syntax :public static InetAddress getByName(String host) Parameters : host : host name

  23. getAllByName() : 返回给定主机的 IP 地址数组。

    java Syntax :public static InetAddress[] getAllByName(String host) Parameters : host : host name

  24. getLoopbackAddress() : 返回环回地址。

    ```java Syntax :public static InetAddress getLoopbackAddress()


  25. getLocalHost() : Returns the IP address of the local host.

    ```java Syntax :public static InetAddress getLocalHost() throws UnknownHostException Throws : UnknownHostException : If local host cannot be resolved into an address


    ```java // Java program to illustrate // Inetaddress class methods import; import; import java.util.Arrays;

    public class inetadd2  {     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException      {

    String url = "";         byte addr[] = { 127, 0, 0, 1 };

    // getByName() method         InetAddress ip1 = InetAddress.getByName(url);         System.out.println("getByName() : " + ip1);

    // getByAddress() method         InetAddress ip2 = InetAddress.getByAddress(addr);         System.out.println("getByAddress() : " + ip2);

    // getLocalHost() method         InetAddress ip3 = InetAddress.getLocalHost();         System.out.println("getLocalHost() : " + ip3);

    // getLoopbackAddress() method         InetAddress ip4 = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress();         System.out.println("getLoopbackAddress() : " + ip4);

    // getAllByName() method - returns all ip addresses         // associated with         InetAddress addrs[] = InetAddress.getAllByName("");         System.out.println("Google ip addresses : " + Arrays.toString(addrs));

    // isReachable() method         boolean isreach = ip1.isReachable(50);         System.out.println("ip1 isReachable() : " + isreach);

    // getHostname() method         String hostname = ip1.getHostName();         System.out.println("ip1 hostname :" + hostname);

    // getCanonicalHostname() method         System.out.println("ip1 CanonicalHostname : " + ip1.getCanonicalHostName());

    // toString() method         System.out.println("ip1 toString() : " + ip1.toString());     } } ```


    ```java getByName() : getByAddress() : / getLocalHost() : DESKTOP-K4GGDH6/ getLoopbackAddress() : localhost/ Google ip addresses : [] ip1 isReachable() : false ip1 hostname ip1 CanonicalHostname : ip1 toString() :


下面的程序使用 InetAddress 类来获取给定域名的 IP 地址。当程序在连接到互联网的系统上运行时,它会给出给定域的 IP 地址。

// A Java program to demonstrate working of InetAddress class
// This program finds IP address for a domain name.

public class GetIPAddress
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
        String url = "";
            // Get IP addresses related to the domain
            InetAddress ips[] = InetAddress.getAllByName(url);

            // Display ip addresses
            System.out.println("IP Address(es)");
            for (InetAddress addr:ips)
        catch(Exception ex)
            System.out.println("host not found");


IP Address(es)

参考资料: 官方 Java 文档

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