Java 中的对象级锁定


java 中的每个对象都有一个唯一的锁。每当我们使用同步关键字时,只有锁的概念会出现在图片中。如果线程想在给定对象上执行同步方法。首先,它必须获得该对象的锁。一旦线程获得了锁,那么它就被允许对该对象执行任何同步的方法。一旦方法执行完成,线程会自动释放锁。内部获取和释放锁由 JVM 负责,程序员不对这些活动负责


如果线程想在给定对象上执行同步方法。首先,它必须获得该对象的锁。一旦线程获得了锁,那么它就被允许对该对象执行任何同步的方法。一旦方法执行完成,线程会自动释放锁。内部获取和释放锁由 JVM 负责,程序员不对这些活动负责。


方法 1:

public class GeekClass
    public synchronized void GeekMethod(){}


public class GeekClass
    public void GeekMethod(){
        synchronized (this)
            // other thread safe code

方法 3:

public class DemoClass
    private final Object lock = new Object();
    public void demoMethod(){
        synchronized (lock)
            // other thread safe code


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to illustrate
// Object lock concept

// Class
// Extending Runnable interface
class Geek implements Runnable {

    // Method of this class
    public void run() { Lock(); }

    // Synchronization of non-static methods
    // (object lock) as different synchronized
    // non-static methods are called in both threads

    // Then both threads need to acquire the object lock
    // After one is acquired, the other thread must wait
    // for one thread to finish the executing
    // before the other thread starts to execute.
    public void Lock()
        synchronized (this)
                "in block "
                + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                "in block "
                + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                + " end");

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an object of above class
        // in the main() method
        Geek g = new Geek();

        // Sharing the same object across two Threads

        // Here, t1 takes g
        Thread t1 = new Thread(g);

        // Here, t2 takes g
        Thread t2 = new Thread(g);

        // Creating another object of above class
        Geek g1 = new Geek();

        // Here, t3 takes g1
        Thread t3 = new Thread(g1);

        // setname() method is used to change
        // name of the thread

        // start() method beginning the execution of threads
        // as JVM calls the run() method of thread


in block t1
in block t3
in block t1 end
in block t2
in block t2 end
in block t3 end