Java 中的对象级锁与类级锁

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/object-level-lock-vs-class-level-lock-in-Java/

Synchronized 是仅适用于方法和块的修饰符,不适用于类和变量。如果多个线程试图同时对同一个 java 对象进行操作,那么可能会出现数据不一致的问题。要解决这个问题,我们应该使用“”关键字。如果一个方法或块声明为同步的,那么一次只允许一个线程在给定的对象上执行该方法或块,这样数据不一致的问题就会得到解决。内部同步概念是通过使用锁来实现的。java 中的每个对象都有一个唯一的锁。每当我们使用一个“ 【同步】 ”关键词时,只有锁的概念才会出现在画面中。

如果一个线程想要在给定的对象上执行一个同步的方法,它首先必须获得该对象的锁,一旦线程获得了锁,那么它就被允许在该对象上执行任何同步的方法。内部获取和释放锁由 JVM 负责,程序员不负责这项活动。当一个线程在给定对象上执行同步方法时,其余线程不允许在同一对象上同时执行任何同步方法。但是允许剩余的线程同时执行非同步的方法。

对象级锁是一种机制,其中 java 中的每个对象都有一个唯一的锁,这个锁只不过是一个对象级锁。如果一个线程想要在给定的对象上执行一个同步的方法,那么该线程首先需要对象级锁,一旦该线程获得对象级锁,那么它就被允许在给定的对象上执行任何同步的方法,并且一旦该方法执行完成,该线程自动释放该对象的锁。


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to illustrate Object Level Lock Concept

// Import required packages
import java.util.*;

// Class 1
// Helper Class 1
// Consists of synchronized method wish
class Display {

    // Declaring Non-static wish method
    public void wish(String name)

        // synchronizing wish method
        // and getting the lock of current object
        synchronized (this)

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

                // display message only
                System.out.print("Good Morning: ");

                // Try block to check. for exceptions
                try {

                    // Putting thread on sleep for specified
                    // time
                    // using the sleep() method

                // Catch block to handle the exceptions
                catch (InterruptedException e) {

                    // Print the occurred exception/s
                // Display message only

// Class 2
// Helper Class 2 (extending main Thread Class)
// myThread with override the run method and
// consists of parameterized constructor
class myThread extends Thread {
    // member variable of this class
    Display d;
    String name;

    // Constructor(Parameterized) of this class
    myThread(Display d, String name)

        // this keyword refers to current object itself
        this.d = d; = name;

    // run() method for thread
    public void run()

        // Calling wish method of display class

// Class 3
// Main Class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating display class(Class 1) object
        // in the main() method
        Display d = new Display();

        // Creating thread objects in main method()
        myThread t1 = new myThread(d, "Dhoni");
        myThread t2 = new myThread(d, "Yuvraj");

        // Starting the threads using the start() method

类级锁是一种机制,java 中的每个类都有一个唯一的锁,它只是一个类级锁。如果一个线程想要执行一个静态同步方法,那么这个线程需要一个类级别的锁,一旦这个线程获得了一个类级别的锁,那么它就被允许执行这个类的任何静态同步方法。一旦方法执行完成,线程会自动释放锁。当一个线程执行一个静态同步方法时,其余线程不允许同时执行该类的任何静态同步方法。


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// java program to illustrate Class Level Lock Concept

// Importing required packages
import java.util.*;

// Class 1
// Helper Class
// Consist of synchronized method wish
class Display {

    // Declaring static wish method
    public static void wish(String name)

        // synchronizing wish method
        // and getting the lock of display class
        synchronized (Display.class)

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {

                // Display message only
                System.out.print("Good Morning: ");

                // Try block to check for exceptions
                try {
                    // Putting thread on sleep for specified
                    // time
                    //  using the sleep() method

                // Catch block to handle the exception
                catch (InterruptedException e) {

                    // Throwing exception
                // Display message

// C;asss 2
// Helper Class (extends the Thread class)
// myThread with override the run method
// as per our requirements it also consists
// of parameterised constructor
class myThread extends Thread {
    // Member variables of this class
    Display d;
    String name;

    // Constructor of this class
    myThread(Display d, String name)

        // This keyword refers to current object itself
        this.d = d; = name;

    // run method for thread/s
    public void run()

        // Calling wish method of display class

// Class 3
// Main Class
class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating Display class(Class 1) object
        // in the main() method
        Display d = new Display();

        // Creating a thread objects
        myThread t1 = new myThread(d, "Dhoni");
        myThread t2 = new myThread(d, "Yuvraj");

        // Starting the threads using start() method

**| 类级锁 | 对象级锁 | | --- | --- | | This lock can be used when we want to prevent multiple threads from entering the synchronization block of the available instance at runtime. | Use this lock when we want a non-static method or a non-static block of our code to be accessed by only one thread at a time. | | This lock is used to secure the static data path. | This lock is used to secure non-static data lines. | | Multiple objects of a particular class may exist, but there is always one class object lock available. | Each object in the class has its own lock. | | 我们可以获得一个类级锁如下:公共类 GFG {公共类虚空 m1( ) {同步(GFG.class) {//一些行代码}} | 我们可以获得对象级锁如下:公共类 GFG { } |**