Java 中 EnumMap 和 EnumSet 的区别

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/enummap-和-enumset-in-java/ 之间的区别

EnumMap 和 EnumSet 都是 java 集合中定义的类。在本文中,我们将学习 EnumMap 和 EnumSet 之间的区别。EnumMap 是地图界面的专门实现,EnumSet 是 Set 界面的专门实现。他们之间存在一些差异。所以我们试图列出 EnumMap 和 EnumSet 之间的区别。

1。EnumMap:EnumMap 是映射接口枚举类型的专门实现。实现了映射接口,用 Java 扩展了抽象映射。

帐号 T0 散列图 T1 . EnumMap class is a member of Java collection framework . EnumMap is an ordered collection that is maintained according to the natural order of their keys. All keys of each enumeration instance must be keys of the same enumeration type.* EnumMap does not allow the insertion of empty keys. If we try to insert empty keys, nullpointerexception will be thrown.* EnumMap is internally expressed as an array for better performance.

下面是 EnumMap 的实现:


// Java program to illustrate working of EnumMap

import java.util.*;

class EnumMapExample {

    public enum Fruits {

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an EnumMap of the Fruits enum
        EnumMap<Fruits, Integer> enumMap
            = new EnumMap<>(Fruits.class);

        // Insert using put() method
        enumMap.put(Fruits.Apple, 1);
        enumMap.put(Fruits.Mango, 2);
        enumMap.put(Fruits.Orange, 3);
        enumMap.put(Fruits.Banana, 4);

        // Printing size of EnumMap
        System.out.println("Size of EnumMap: "
                           + enumMap.size());
        // Printing the EnumMap
        for (Map.Entry m : enumMap.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(m.getKey() + " "
                               + m.getValue());


Size of EnumMap: 4
Apple 1
Mango 2
Orange 3
Banana 4