Java 中的控制抽象,示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/control-abstraction-in-Java-with-examples/

我们的目标是理解和实现 Java 中的控制抽象。在直接跳到控制抽象之前,让我们理解什么是抽象。


在抽象上,有两种类型: 数据抽象和控制抽象。



以下是 关于控制抽象的要点:

  • Control abstraction follows the basic rules of DRY code, which means don't repeat yourself. Using functions in programs is the best example of control abstraction.
  • Abstraction can be used to build new functions and combine control statements into a unit.
  • It is the basic feature of all high-level languages, not just java.
  • Higher-order functions, closures and lambdas are several prerequisites for controlling abstraction.
  • More emphasis is placed on how to realize specific functions, rather than describing every detail.
  • Constitute the main unit of structured programming.


  • Get resources first.
  • Then execute the block.
  • As soon as the control leaves the block, the resource is closed.



// Abstract class
abstract class Vehicle {
    // Abstract method (does not have a body)
    public abstract void VehicleSound();
    // Regular method
    public void honk() { System.out.println("honk honk"); }

// Subclass (inherit from Vehicle)
class Car extends Vehicle {
    public void VehicleSound()
        // The body of VehicleSound() is provided here
        System.out.println("kon kon");

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a Car object
        Car myCar = new Car();


kon kon
honk honk
