在 Java 中创建多个可变大小的对象池

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/创建多个 java 可变大小对象池/

对象池模式是一种软件创造设计模式,用于初始化类实例的成本非常高的情况。基本上,对象池是包含一定数量对象的容器。因此,当对象从池中取出时,在放回之前,它在池中不可用。 池中的对象具有生命周期:

  • 创造
  • 确认
  • 摧毁。

对象池可以提供很大的速度提升;当初始化一个类实例的成本很高,实例化的速度很快,并且在任何给定时刻使用的实例化数量很少时,它的效果最好。 对象池设计在对象构建成本较高且只需短时间使用时非常有用。在这个设计模式中,我们跟踪哪些实例化的对象正在使用,哪些是可访问的。






实现: 我们在这里创建一个类“线程”,它的对象在池中&另一个类“线程池”用于创建多个“线程”对象池。

在我们班线程类(1 班)


  • “唯一标识”存储为每个线程对象生成的唯一标识。
  • “名称”保留线程对象的名称。

在我们的类 ThreadPool 类(类 2)中


  • isFirst = true 以最初保持 true &每当池中的第一个线程对象被创建时,在第一个对象创建后,它被设置为 false。
  • 线程类型的线程[]是一个数组引用,将引用线程类对象(线程池数组)
  • 布尔类型的 isUsed[]是一个数组,用于跟踪当前正在使用的线程对象
  • 用于记录线程池数量的线程池&是一个类级属性
  • ThreadreferenceCount 用于记录特定池中线程引用的数量
  • 池编号,用于存储为每个创建的池指定的唯一编号

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Creating Multiple Pools Of Objects of
// Variable Size

// Importing required classes
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

// Class 1
// Helper class
class Thread {

    // Members of this class
    private int uniqueId;
    private static int uniqueIDGen = 0;
    private String thread_name;

    // Constructor that initializes the objects of Thread
    // class
    Thread() { uniqueId = generateUniqueId(); }

    // Method 1
    // To set the value of the data member,
    // name of the Thread's Object
    public void setNameOfThread(String name)
        thread_name = name;

    // Method 2
    public String getNameOfThread() { return thread_name; }

    // Method 3
    // To generate a unique id for each Thread's Object
    private int generateUniqueId() { return uniqueIDGen++; }

    // Method 4
    // To Compare that the "this" reference and
    // "t1" reference refer to same object
    public boolean compare(Thread t1)

        if (t1.uniqueId == this.uniqueId) {
            return true;

        else {
            return false;

// Class 2
// Helper class
class ThreadPool {

    // member variables of this class

    // To keep true whenever 1st object of a pool is
    // created,
    // after 1st object creation, it is set to false
    private boolean isFirst = true;

    // Array reference of myThread (Thread Pool Array)
    private Thread myThreads[] = null;

    // Array to Keep track that which Thread's objects
    // are in use currently
    private boolean isUsed[] = null;

    private int n;

    // To keep count of no of Thread Pools and
    // is a class level Property
    private static int noOfThreadPools = 0;

    // Keeping count of no of thread references
    // in a particular pool
    private int ThreadreferenceCount = 0;

    // To Give a unique number to every Pool Created
    private int poolNum = 0;

    // Constructor of class 2
    public ThreadPool()

        poolNum = noOfThreadPools;

    // Method 1
    // To give "size" of each Thread pool and
    // creating size no of objects of Thread Type,
    // returning true if successful, else false
    public boolean initialize(int size)

        boolean status = false;

        if (true == isFirst) {

            isFirst = false;
            n = size;

            // Assign memory of reference of array
            // using new keyword
            myThreads = new Thread[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

                // Creating new object in heap of Thread
                // Class & myThread[i] reference refer it
                myThreads[i] = new Thread();

                // we are assigning thread name to each
                // thread
                String name = Integer.toString(i + 1);

                name = name.concat(
                    " is the thread number of the pool ");
                name = name.concat(

                // Name assigning finishes

            // Creating new array of boolean type which is
            // referred by isUsed reference
            isUsed = new boolean[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

                // Now making isUsed false for all the
                // references false,
                // false because when initializing, no
                // reference from outside is referring to
                // any of the objects created (from o to
                // size-1)
                isUsed[i] = false;

            status = true;

        return status;

    // Method 2
    // To get reference of the Thread Objects Present in the
    // Pool If no object is free, it returns null
    public Thread getReference()

        Thread threadToReturn = null;

        if (ThreadreferenceCount < n) {

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

                // When no reference from outside the class
                // is referring to object myThread[i],
                // isUsed[i] is false
                if (false == isUsed[i]) {

                    threadToReturn = myThreads[i];

                    // Make isUsed[i] as true because we are
                    // returning a reference to the object
                    // referred by myThread[i]
                    isUsed[i] = true;

                    // Incrementing the count because we are
                    // returning a reference to the object
                    // referred by myThread[i] to outside
                    // world now this object cant be referred
                    // by another reference from outside

                    // Break keyword

        return threadToReturn;

    // Method 3
    // To release the outside world reference;
    // Here : "thread" - passed as parameter
    public void releaseReference(Thread thread)

        if (ThreadreferenceCount > 0) {

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

                // Compare the "thread" parameter with every
                // reference and release the matched one by
                // making isUsed[i] = false;
                if (true == thread.compare(myThreads[i])) {

                    // Make isUsed[i] is false to show no
                    // reference from
                    // outside the class is referring to
                    // object myThread[i]
                    isUsed[i] = false;

                    // Decrementing the count because we are
                    // releasing a reference to the object
                    // in outside world



    // Method 4
    // To make all the objects free for garbage collection
    // To restore to initial situation
    public boolean deInitialize()

        boolean status = false;

        if (isFirst = false) {
            status = true;

        // This condition is not required if one wants to
        // deinitialize() even if the references are present
        // outside
        else if (ThreadreferenceCount == 0) {

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                myThreads[i] = null;

            myThreads = null;
            isUsed = null;

            n = 0;
            isFirst = true;
            status = true;

        return status;

// Class 3
// Min class
public class Main {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Display message on console for better readability
            "*****************POOL1 Of Threads Created*****************");

        // Creating object of class 2 in class 3 main()
        // method
        ThreadPool p1 = new ThreadPool();

        // Creating pool of 2 objects
        if (p1.initialize(2)) {

            System.out.println("Pool 1 initialized");
        else {

            System.out.println("Pool 1 not initialized");

        // Now getting 2 references to the 2 Objects from
        // this pool

        // Thread 1
        Thread t1 = p1.getReference();
        if (t1 != null) {

        else {

                " t1 do not refer any object");

        // Thread 2
        Thread t2 = p1.getReference();
        if (t2 != null) {

        else {

                " t2 do not refer any object");

        // Thread 3
        Thread t3 = p1.getReference();
        if (t3 != null) {

        else {

                " t3 do not refer any object");

        // Releasing all the references of pool 1
        t1 = null;
        t2 = null;

        // As we have not used deInitialize() method, we
        // cannot initialize the pool p1 again
        if (p1.initialize(2)) {

            // Print statement
            System.out.println("Pool 1 initialized");
        else {

            // Print statement
                "Pool 1 not initialized as it was already initialized\n");

        // Creating pool 2

        // Display message on console for better readability
            "*****************POOL2  Of Threads Created*****************");

        ThreadPool p2 = new ThreadPool();

        // Creating pool of 3 objects

        Thread tp1 = p2.getReference();

        if (tp1 != null) {

        else {

                "tp1 dont refer to any object");

        // Releasing references of pool 2
        tp1 = null;

        // Deinitializing both the pools
        // using deInitialize() method


*****************POOL1 Of Threads Created*****************
Pool 1 initialized
1 is the thread number of the pool 1
2 is the thread number of the pool 1
 t3 do not refer any object
Pool 1 not initialized as it was already initialized

*****************POOL2  Of Threads Created*****************
1 is the thread number of the pool 2


  • 这里,我们通过以下方式创建两个线程对象池:
ThreadPool p1 = new ThreadPool() & ThreadPool p2 = new ThreadPool() 
  • 然后我们在 p1 和 p2 上调用 initialize()方法,给出大小(池中总的“线程”对象)–2 和 3。
  • 然后创建线程类(t1 & t2)的两个引用,它们引用池 p1 中的对象(线程类型)。
  • 线程类的第三个引用(t3)被创建,我们试图从池 p1 中获取对象(通过调用 p1 上的 getReference(),以便 t3 可以引用它。但是 t3 没有引用任何对象,因为 Pool p1 的大小是 2,只有 2 个来自外部世界的引用可以引用池中的 2 个对象。
  • 然后我们通过调用 releaseReference()方法来释放这两个引用(t1 和 t2)。现在池中的对象是可用的&外部引用可以通过调用 p1 上的方法 getReference()来引用它们。
  • 类似地,我们创建了另一个引用(tp1),但是它引用了池 p2 中包含的 Thread 对象,因为我们在 p2 上调用了方法 getReference()。
  • 然后我们通过调用 releaseReference()方法来释放引用(tp1)。
  • 最后,我们调用 p1 & p2 上的方法 deInitialize(),将 p1 & p2 池恢复到调用 Initialize()之前的启动状态。