Java 地图到列表的转换

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/转换-java-maps-to-list/


  • List of values and
  • Key list.

让我们假设“map”是 Map 的实例,此后像往常一样我们都知道它包含集合和值对。因此它们的定义如下:

  • map.values () will return a set of map values.
  • map.keyset () will return a set of key points of the map.


  1. Constructs the function parameter of the array list.
  2. Is passed to the array list constructor parameter.
  3. (only applicable to JDK 8 and later versions)


方法 1: 在数组列表构造函数参数中传递键集

程序:我们可以绕过 map.keySet()方法生成的一组映射键,将映射键转换为键列表,转换为 ArrayList 构造函数参数,如下图所示

map.values(); // Now here e will pass sets of keys of our map, so it becomes
map.values(map.keySet());  // Now we just need to store it into List, so creating object 
List ListofKeys = new ArrayList(map.keySet()); // Now we are done with conversion. 


List ListofKeys = new ArrayList(map.keySet());

方法 2:List List of keys = new ArrayList(map . keyset());

我们可以通过将 map.values()方法 生成的映射值集合传递给数组列表构造函数参数,将映射键转换为值列表。


List Listofvalues = new ArrayList(map.values());


// Java Program to Convert Map to List

// Importing required classes
import java.util.*;

class GFG {

    // Method 1
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Creating HashMap
        HashMap<String, Integer> hs = new HashMap<>();

        // Adding elements to hashMap
        hs.put("Geeks", 1);
        hs.put("for", 2);
        hs.put("Geeks", 3);
        hs.put("Computer", 4);
        hs.put("Science", 5);
        hs.put("Portal", 6);

        // Calling method
        MapValuesToList obj = new MapValuesToList(hs);

        // Storing into List
        List<Integer> mapvaltolist = obj.mapvaltolist(hs);

        // Printing via for loops
        for (Integer integerList : mapvaltolist) {

            // Printing our ArrayList

    // Method 2
    // To convert Map to List
    public List<String>
    mapvaltolist(Map<String, Integer> map)

        // Using Collection
        Collection<Integer> val = map.values();

        // Creating an ArrayList
        ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>(values);

        return al;