杀掉邻居的邻居后,在围成一个圈的N人中找到最后 2 个幸存者


给定一个整数N代表一个圆圈中的N个人,任务是在每个人杀死顺时针方向上邻居的下一个时,找到剩下的最后 2 个人。


输入N = 5

输出1 4


初始:1 2 3 4 5

=> 1 杀死 3

存活:1 2 4 5

=> 2 杀死 5

存活:1 2 4

=> 4 杀死 2

最终存活:1 4

输入N = 2

输出1 2


  • 最初,布尔数组对所有人都是true

  • 保持两个指针,一个指针位于当前活着的人,第二个指针用于存储它之前的人。

  • 一旦找到当前人的第二个活着的邻居,请将其布尔值更改为false

  • 然后,当前指针再次从上一个更新为下一个。

  • 这个过程将持续到最后两个人幸存。

时间复杂度O(N ^ 2)



  • 仅在完成一轮比赛后,最多只有N / 2人。

  • 然后,在下一轮中将剩下N / 4人,依此类推,直到有很多活着的人变成 2 人为止。



// C++ implementation of the approach 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Node for a Linked List 
struct Node { 
    int val; 
    struct Node* next; 

    Node(int _val) 
        val = _val; 
        next = NULL; 

// Function to find the last 2 survivors 
void getLastTwoPerson(int n) 
    // Total is the count 
    // of alive people 
    int total = n; 
    struct Node* head = new Node(1); 
    struct Node* temp = head; 

    // Initiating the list of n people 
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { 
        temp->next = new Node(i); 
        temp = temp->next; 

    temp->next = head; 
    temp = head; 

    struct Node* del; 

    // Total != 2 is terminating 
    // condition because 
    // at last only two-person 
    // will remain alive 
    while (total != 2) { 

        // Del represent next person 
        // to be deleted or killed 
        del = temp->next->next; 
            = temp->next->next->next; 
        temp = temp->next; 
        total -= 1; 

    // Last two person to 
    // survive (in any order) 
    cout << temp->val << " "
         << temp->next->val; 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int n = 2; 


    return 0; 


// Java implementation of the approach 
class GFG{ 

// Node for a Linked List 
static class Node  
    int val; 
    Node next; 

    Node(int _val) 
        val = _val; 
        next = null; 

// Function to find the last 2 survivors 
static void getLastTwoPerson(int n) 

    // Total is the count 
    // of alive people 
    int total = n; 
    Node head = new Node(1); 
    Node temp = head; 

    // Initiating the list of n people 
    for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)  
        temp.next = new Node(i); 
        temp = temp.next; 

    temp.next = head; 
    temp = head; 

    Node del; 

    // Total != 2 is terminating 
    // condition because 
    // at last only two-person 
    // will remain alive 
    while (total != 2) 

        // Del represent next person 
        // to be deleted or killed 
        del = temp.next.next; 
        temp.next.next = temp.next.next.next; 
        temp = temp.next; 
        del = null; 

        total -= 1; 

    // Last two person to 
    // survive (in any order) 
    System.out.print(temp.val + " " + 

// Driver code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    int n = 2; 


// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 


// C# implementation of the approach 
using System; 

class GFG{ 

// Node for a Linked List 
class Node  
    public int val; 
    public Node next; 

    public Node(int _val) 
        val = _val; 
        next = null; 

// Function to find the last 2 survivors 
static void getLastTwoPerson(int n) 

    // Total is the count 
    // of alive people 
    int total = n; 
    Node head = new Node(1); 
    Node temp = head; 

    // Initiating the list of n people 
    for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++)  
        temp.next = new Node(i); 
        temp = temp.next; 

    temp.next = head; 
    temp = head; 

    Node del; 

    // Total != 2 is terminating 
    // condition because 
    // at last only two-person 
    // will remain alive 
    while (total != 2) 

        // Del represent next person 
        // to be deleted or killed 
        del = temp.next.next; 
        temp.next.next = temp.next.next.next; 
        temp = temp.next; 
        del = null; 

        total -= 1; 

    // Last two person to 
    // survive (in any order) 
    Console.Write(temp.val + " " + 

// Driver code 
public static void Main(String[] args) 
    int n = 2; 


// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


1 2

时间复杂度O(N * log N)


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