

原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-dependencies-of-each-vertex-in-a-directed-graph/



例如,圆弧(x,y)被视为从 x 指向 y,而圆弧(y,x)是反向链接。 Y 是 x 的直接后继,而 x 是 y 的直接前任。




输出: 顶点 1 依赖性-> 2- > 3 顶点 2 依赖性-> 3- > 1 顶点 3 依赖性-> 1- > 2 节点 1 的最小依赖性为 2。 解释: 顶点 1 取决于 2 和 3。 类似地,顶点 2 和 3 分别在(3,1)和(1,2)上。 因此,所有顶点之间的最小依赖性为 2。


输出: 顶点 1 依赖性-> 2- > 3- > 4- > 5- > 6 顶点 2 依赖性-> 6 顶点 3 依赖性-> 4- > 5- > 6 顶点 4 依赖性-> 5- > 6 顶点 5 依赖性-> 6 顶点 6 不依赖于任何顶点。 节点 6 的最小相关性为 0 解释: 顶点 1 依赖于(3、4、5、6、7)。 类似地,顶点(2)上的顶点 2,顶点(4、5、6)上的顶点 3,顶点(5、6)上的顶点 4,顶点(6)上的顶点 5 和顶点 6 都不依赖于任何顶点。 因此,所有顶点之间的最小依赖性为 0。


  • 获取有向图作为输入。

  • 在图上执行 DFS,并浏览图的所有节点。

  • 在探索节点的邻居时,将 1 加到 count 上,最后返回 count,这表示依赖项的数量。

  • 最后,找到具有最小依赖性的节点。


// C++ program to find the 
// dependency of each node 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

// Defining the graph 
class Graph { 

    // Variable to store the 
    // number of vertices 
    int V; 

    // Adjacency list 
    list<int>* adjList; 

    // Initializing the graph 
    Graph(int v) 
        V = v; 
        adjList = new list<int>[V]; 

    // Adding edges 
    void addEdge(int u, int v, 
                 bool bidir = true) 
        if (bidir) { 

    // Performing DFS on each node 
    int dfs(int src) 
        // Map is used to mark 
        // the current node as visited 
        map<int, bool> visited; 
        vector<int> dependent; 
        int count = 0; 

        stack<int> s; 

        // Push the current vertex 
        // to the stack which 
        // stores the result 

        visited[src] = true; 

        // Traverse through the vertices 
        // until the stack is empty 
        while (!s.empty()) { 
            int n = s.top(); 

            // Recur for all the vertices 
            // adjacent to this vertex 
            for (auto i : adjList[n]) { 

                // If the vertices are 
                // not visited 
                if (!visited[i]) { 
                    dependent.push_back(i + 1); 

                    // Mark the vertex as 
                    // visited 
                    visited[i] = true; 

                    // Push the current vertex to 
                    // the stack which stores 
                    // the result 

        // If the vertex has 0 dependency 
        if (!count) { 
            cout << "Vertex " << src + 1 
                 << " is not dependent on any vertex.\n"; 
            return count; 

        cout << "Vertex " << src + 1 << " dependency "; 
        for (auto i : dependent) { 
            cout << "-> " << i; 
        cout << "\n"; 
        return count; 

// Function to find the 
// dependency of each node 
void operations(int arr[][2], 
                int n, int m) 
    // Creating a new graph 
    Graph g(n); 

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { 
                  arr[i][1], false); 

    int ans = INT_MAX; 
    int node = 0; 

    // Iterating through the graph 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        int c = g.dfs(i); 

        // Finding the node with 
        // minimum number of 
        // dependency 
        if (c < ans) { 
            ans = c; 
            node = i + 1; 
    cout << "Node " << node 
         << "has minimum dependency of "
         << ans; 

// Driver code 
int main() 
    int n, m; 

    n = 6, m = 6; 

    // Defining the edges of the 
    // graph 
    int arr[][2] = { { 0, 1 }, 
                     { 0, 2 }, 
                     { 2, 3 }, 
                     { 4, 5 }, 
                     { 3, 4 }, 
                     { 1, 5 } }; 

    operations(arr, n, m); 

    return 0; 


Vertex 1 dependency -> 2-> 3-> 4-> 5-> 6
Vertex 2 dependency -> 6
Vertex 3 dependency -> 4-> 5-> 6
Vertex 4 dependency -> 5-> 6
Vertex 5 dependency -> 6
Vertex 6 is not dependent on any vertex.
Node 6has minimum dependency of 0

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