

原文: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-a-mother-vertex-in-a-graph-using-bit-masking/

图 G =(V,E)中的母顶点是顶点 v,使得从 v 的路径可以通过 a 到达G中的所有其他顶点。 v。


输入 输出: 5


我们可以使用深度优先搜索方法解决此问题。 为了进一步优化我们的方法,我们将使用有效的解决方案。


  • 在执行深度优先搜索时,我们有一个位掩码数组,表示每个顶点的位掩码。 在执行期间,此位掩码数组将传递到所有顶点。

  • 每个顶点都以这种方式修改其专用位掩码,从而可以从该顶点访问包括顶点在内的所有设置位,包括当前顶点。

  • 在每次迭代中,我们通过检查当前顶点位掩码值(如果设置了代表所有顶点的位)来检查是否可以从该顶点访问所有顶点。 如果可以从该顶点访问所有顶点,则它将中断执行并找到母顶点作为当前顶点。

  • 如果已经从 Vertex-1 访问了 Vertex-2,并且已经较早访问了 Vertex-2,则 Vertex-1 通过对 Vertex-2 位掩码进行“或”运算来更新其位掩码。

时间复杂度: O(V + E)****


让这种方法支持最多具有 32 个顶点的图。 可以扩展此方法以支持更多数量的顶点,但是此处最多处理 32 个顶点。

  1. 创建一个由 32 个位掩码组成的位掩码数组。 数组的第 0 个索引表示 Vertex-0 的位掩码,而数组的第一个索引表示 Vertex-1 的位掩码,依此类推。

  2. 使用深度优先搜索算法访问图的所有顶点,并将相同的位掩码数组传递给所有顶点。 相应地设置了位掩码值,以表示可以从该顶点访问的所有顶点。

  3. 设置与相邻顶点相对应的位索引,包括自己的位索引。 相邻顶点的位掩码也将重复相同的操作,并将其返回给 Vertex-1。

  4. 顶点 1 将继续对其位掩码的所有邻居的返回值执行“或”运算,以表示可以从顶点 1 访问的所有顶点。

  5. 请注意,如果 Vertex-2 是 Vertex-1 的邻居,并且已经从另一个邻居顶点访问过,那么它将不会再次访问其邻居的顶点,并将其位掩码返回到第一个节点。

  6. 每次迭代将检查与当前顶点对应的位掩码是否将所有位都设置为 1。如果将当前顶点均值的所有位都设置为 1,则意味着可以从当前顶点访问所有顶点,并且当前顶点是的母顶点。 图。


// C++ code to find Mother 
// Vertex using Bitmask 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

struct Graph { 
    int V; 

    // Store in descending order 
    set<int, greater<int> >* adjList; 

Graph* CreateGraph(int N) 
    Graph* g = new Graph(); 
    g->V = N; 
        = new set<int, greater<int> >[N]; 
    return g; 

void AddEdge( 
    Graph* g, int src, int dest) 


void PrintGraph(Graph* g) 

    set<int, greater<int> >::iterator it; 

    for (int i = 0; i < g->V; i++) { 

        for (it = g->adjList[i].begin(); 
             it != g->adjList[i].end(); 
             it++) { 
            cout << "There is an edge from "
                 << i << " to "
                 << *it << endl; 

bool IsEdge(Graph* g, int src, int dest) 
    if (g->adjList[src].find(dest) 
        != g->adjList[src].end()) { 

        return true; 
    return false; 

int MotherVertexUtil( 
    Graph* g, int index, 
    int* mask, int* m_vertex) 

    // If mother vertex is already found 
    // then simply return with existing 
    // mask of the vertex index 
    if (*m_vertex != -1) { 

        return mask[index]; 

    // if this vertex is already visited, 
    // return the bit-mask 
    // value of this vertex. 
    if (mask[index] != 0) { 
        return mask[index]; 

    int tmpmask = 0; 

    // Set the bit corresponding 
    // to vertex index in tmpmask 
    tmpmask |= (1 << index); 

    for (int i = 0; i < g->V; i++) { 
        if ((index != i) 
            && IsEdge(g, index, i)) { 

            // Set bits corresponding to all 
            // vertex which can be visite 
            // by this vertex by ORing 
            // the return value by util function 

            // Vertex is not visited 
            if (mask[i] == 0) { 

                int retmask 
                    = MotherVertexUtil( 
                        g, i, mask, m_vertex); 
                tmpmask |= retmask; 

            // Vertex is already visited 
            else { 
                tmpmask |= mask[i]; 

            // Check if current vertex is 
            // mother vertex or mother vertex 
            // is already found 
            if (tmpmask == (pow(2, g->V) - 1)) { 

                // If all bits of a mask is set 
                // it means current vertex 
                // is mother vertex 
                if (*m_vertex == -1) { 
                    *m_vertex = index; 
                return tmpmask; 

    // populate tmpmask as final 
    // bit mask of the vertex 
    mask[index] |= tmpmask; 

    return mask[index]; 

int MotherVertex(Graph* g) 

    int v = g->V; 
    int* mask = new int(v); 

    // Initially bit mask 
    // for all vertex will be 0 
    for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) { 
        mask[i] = 0; 

    // DFS traversal is used to check 
    // for the mother vertex 
    // All set bits (of bitmask of a vertex) 
    // represent the current vertex index 
    // and index of vertices which could be 
    // visited from the current vertex. 

    /* Example: 
       If a vertex index is 3 
       then and vertex 5, 7 and 10 
       can be visited from this vertex 
       then final bit mask of this vertex 
       would be 
       (bits 3, 5, 7 and 10 are set) */

    // tmpmask is used to store 
    // the final bitmask of the vertex. 
    int tmpmask = 0; 

    // flag to check if 
    // mother vertex is found 
    int m_vertex = -1; 

    for (int index = 0; index < v; index++) { 

        // set the bit corresponding 
        // to vertex index in tmpmask 
        tmpmask = (1 << index); 

        // mask for a vertex is 0 
        // means it has not yet 
        // visited so visit this vertex 
        if (mask[index] == 0) { 

            int retmask 
                = MotherVertexUtil( 
                    g, index, 
                    mask, &m_vertex); 

            // set bits corresponding to all 
            // vertices which can be visited 
            // from this vertex by ORing 
            // the return value by util function 
            tmpmask |= retmask; 

        // check if current vertex is 
        // mother vertex or mother vertex 
        // is already found 
        // If all bits of a mask is set 
        // it means current vertex 
        // is mother vertex 
        if (tmpmask == (pow(2, v) - 1)) { 

            // current vertex is mother vertex 
            if (m_vertex == -1) { 
                m_vertex = index; 

        // populate tmpmask as final bit 
        // mask of the vertex 
        mask[index] |= tmpmask; 

    return m_vertex; 

// Driver code 
int main() 

    Graph* g = CreateGraph(7); 
    AddEdge(g, 0, 2); 
    AddEdge(g, 0, 1); 
    AddEdge(g, 1, 3); 
    AddEdge(g, 4, 1); 
    AddEdge(g, 5, 2); 
    AddEdge(g, 5, 6); 
    AddEdge(g, 6, 0); 
    AddEdge(g, 6, 4); 

    int m_vertex = MotherVertex(g); 
    if (m_vertex == -1) { 

        cout << "Mother vertex is not"
             << " existing in this graph"
             << endl; 
    else { 
        cout << "Mother vertex is: "
             << m_vertex << endl; 
    return 0; 


There is an edge from 0 to 2
There is an edge from 0 to 1
There is an edge from 1 to 3
There is an edge from 4 to 1
There is an edge from 5 to 6
There is an edge from 5 to 2
There is an edge from 6 to 4
There is an edge from 6 to 0
Mother vertex is: 5

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