MS SQL Server 中的全局变量

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/global-variables-in-ms-SQL-server/

全局变量是预定义的系统变量。以 @@ 开头。它提供了有关 SQL Server 当前用户环境的信息。SQL Server 提供了多个全局变量,在 Transact-SQL 中使用非常有效。以下是一些常用的全局变量–

  • @@CPU_BUSY
  • @@ERROR
  • @@IDLE


  1. @@SERVERNAME : This is used to find the name of the machine/computer on which SQL Server is running. Example –

    sql Select @@servername



  2. @@CONNECTIONS : This is used to find number of logins or attempted logins since SQL Server was last started. Example –

    sql Select @@connections


    sql 59846824

  3. @@MAX_CONNECTIONS : This is used to find the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be made with SQL Server or instance in this computer environment. Example –

    sql select @@max_connections


    sql 32767

  4. @@CPU_BUSY : This is used to find the amount of time, in microseconds, that the CPU has spent doing SQL Server work since the last time SQL Server was running. Example –

    sql Select @@cpu_busy


    sql 887468

  5. @@ERROR : This is used to check the error status (succeeded or failed) of the most recently executed statement. It contains Zero (0) if the previous transaction succeeded, else, it contains the last error number generated by the system. Example –

    sql Select @@error


    sql 0

  6. @@IDLE : The amount of time, in microseconds, that SQL Server has been idle since it was last started. Example –

    sql Select @@idle


    sql 123691249

  7. @@LANGUAGE : This is used to find the name of the language that is currently used by the SQL Server. Example –

    sql Select @@language


    sql us_english

  8. @@TRANCOUNT : This is used to count the number of open transactions in the current session. Example –

    sql Select @@trancount


    sql 0

  9. @@VERSION : This is used to find the current version of the SQL Server Software. Example –

    sql Select @@version


    sql Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP3-CU-GDR) (KB4535288) - 12.0.6372.1 (X64) Dec 12 2019 15:14:11 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)