如何用 CSS 动态添加项目列表之间的逗号?

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/如何使用 css 动态添加项目列表之间的逗号/

在本文中,我们将使用 CSS 创建一个用逗号分隔的列表。


方法:我们使用 JavaScript 使列表动态显示,并获得对 CSS 的更多控制。我们使用通用的兄弟选择器来去掉末尾的逗号。使用 HTML 设计列表 ul 使用班级名称作为学生然后创建 li 元素与班级名称学生展示。


<ul class="students">

    <!--List of students with class -->
    <li class="student show">John</li>
    <li class="student show">Peter</li>
    <li class="student show">Mark</li>
    <li class="student show">Bill</li>
    <li class="student show">Jack</li>

将 CSS 应用于给定的列表。应用列表样式 : 从列表中移除默认项目符号,然后设置 显示 : flex 使列表水平,并通过将其设置为零来移除填充。


        display: flex; // Horizontal display
        list-style: none; // Removes bullets
        padding: 0;
    // Used to add styles before the li element
    .student ~ .student::before{
        content: ", ";


John, Peter, Mark, Bill, Jack

添加一些 JavaScript 代码来从列表中移除项目。添加一些触发按需 JavaScript 代码的按钮。

HTML 设计:


<ul class="students">
    <li class="student show">John</li>
    <li class="student show">Peter</li>
    <li class="student show">Mark</li>
    <li class="student show">Bill</li>
    <li class="student show">Jack</li>

<button onclick="removeItem('first')">Remove first</button>
<button onclick="removeItem('last')">Remove last</button>
<button onclick="removeItem('random')">Remove Random</button>
<button onclick="addItem('first')">Add first</button>
<button onclick="addItem('last')">Add last</button>
<button onclick="addItem('random')">Add Random</button>


java 描述语言

let student = document.querySelectorAll(".student")

// Removes items for a particular position
function removeItem(position) {

    // It removes 0th index value to remove first
    if (position == "first") {

    // It removes (Length of the array - 1) index
    // value to remove last element
    if (position == "last") {
        student[student.length - 1].remove()
    // to remove random, it uses the random() method
    if (position == "random") {
            Math.random() * student.length)].remove()

let list = document.querySelector(".students")

// Adds element at specific position
function addItem(position) {

    let item = document.createElement("li")
    item.innerText = "Added Item"
    item.className = "student"

    // To add item in the first insert is 
    // performed before the 0th index
    if (position == "first") {
        list.insertBefore(item, list.childNodes[0])

    // To add item in the last insert is performed 
    // before the (array length - 1) index
    if (position == "last") {
            list.childNodes[list.children.length - 1])

    // Random() method is used to insert below
    if (position == "random") {
            (item, list.childNodes[Math.floor(
                Math.random() * list.children.length)])



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

        .students {
            display: flex;
            list-style: none;
            padding: 0;
            flex-wrap: wrap

        .student~.student::before {
            content: ", ";

    <ul class="students">
        <li class="student show">John</li>
        <li class="student show">Peter</li>
        <li class="student show">Mark</li>
        <li class="student show">Bill</li>
        <li class="student show">Jack</li>

    <button onclick="addItem('first')">Add first</button>
    <button onclick="addItem('last')">Add last</button>
    <button onclick="addItem('random')">Add Random</button>
    <button onclick="removeItem('first')">Remove first</button>
    <button onclick="removeItem('last')">Remove last</button>
    <button onclick="removeItem('random')">Remove Random</button>

        function removeItem(position) {
            let student = document.querySelectorAll(".student")

            if (position == "first") {
            if (position == "last") {
                student[student.length - 1].remove()

            if (position == "random") {
                    * student.length)].remove()

        let list = document.querySelector(".students")
        function addItem(position) {

            let item = document.createElement("li")
            item.innerText = "Added Item"
            item.className = "student"

            if (position == "first") {
                item.innerText = "Added at First"
                list.insertBefore(item, list.childNodes[0])
            if (position == "last") {
                item.innerText = "Added at Last"
            if (position == "random") {
                item.innerText = "Added at random"
                    (item, list.childNodes[Math.floor(
                        Math.random() * list.children.length)])

