CSS |样式表单


CSS 表单用于为用户创建交互式表单。它提供了许多设置样式的方法。

有许多 CSS 属性可用于创建 HTML 表单并为其设置样式,以使其更具交互性,下面列出了其中一些属性:

  • Attribute Selector: The attribute type of the input form can take a variety of form depending on user’s choice. It could be anything out of the possible types like text, search, url, tel, email, password, date pickers, number, checkbox, radio, file etc. User needs to specify type while creating a form.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>     

                     body{             background-color:green;         }              

                Is Geeksforgeeks useful ?                                                Yes
                                      Definitely Yes                        

    输出 :


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 body{             background-color:green;         }     

                 Do you find Geeksforgeeks helpful?                

    输出 :

  • Styling the Width of Input: The width property is used to set the width of the input field. Consider the below example where the width is set to be 10% of the entire screen.

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                 Do you find Geeksforgeeks helpful?             

    输出 :

  • Add Padding in Inputs: The padding property is used to add spaces inside the text field. Consider the below example:

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             padding: 12px;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                         Do you find Geeksforgeeks helpful?

    输出 :

  • Set Margin for Inputs: The margin property is used to add space outside the input field. It is helpful when there are many inputs. Consider the example below with two inputs and observe the space (margin) between them.

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             margin: 8px;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                 Mention two topics that you liked on Geeksforgeeks             

    输出 :

  • Adding Border and Border-radius: The border property is used to bring change in the size and color of the border whereas border-radius property is used for adding rounded corners.

    考虑下面的例子,其中 2px 纯红边框被创建,其边框半径为 4px

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             margin: 8px;             border: 2px solid red;             border-radius: 4px;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                                          Mention two topics that you liked on                  Geeksforgeeks                          

    输出 :


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             margin: 8px;             border: none;             border-top: 3px solid blue;             border-bottom: 3px solid red;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                                          Mention two topics that you liked on                  Geeksforgeeks                          

    输出 :

  • Adding Color to text and Background: The color property is used to change the color of the text in the input and the background-color property is used to change the color of the background of the input field.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             margin: 8px;             border: none;             background-color: green;             color: black;         }

    body{             background-color:white;         }     

                                          Mention two topics that you liked                  on Geeksforgeeks                          

    输出 :

  • Focus Selector: When we click on the input field it gets an outline of blue color. You can change this behaviour by using :focus selector.

    考虑下面的例子,用户想要一个 3px 的红色轮廓和绿色背景。

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width:10%;             margin: 8px;             color: black;         }

    input[type=text]:focus {         border: 3px solid red;         background-color: green;         }

    body{             background-color:white;         }     

                              Mention two topics that you liked              on Geeksforgeeks                  

    输出 :

  • Adding images in the Input form: The background-image property can be used to put an image inside the input form and it can be positioned using background-position property and user can also decide whether to repeat or not.


    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width: 20%;             background-image: url('search.png');             background-position: 10px 10px;              background-repeat: no-repeat;             padding: 12px 20px 12px 40px;         }

    body{             background-color:white;         }     

                 Search on Geeksforgeeks

    输出 :

  • Transition Property: The transition property can be used over the input field to bring change in the size of the field by specifying the relaxed width and focused width along with the time period for which operation will take place.

    考虑下面的例子,其中松弛的输入场宽度为 15%,当聚焦时在 1 秒内变为 30%。

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 input{             width: 15%;             -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-in-out;             transition: width 1s ease-in-out;         }

    input[type=text]:focus {             width: 30%;             border:4px solid blue;         }

    body{             background-color:green;         }     

                 Search on Geeksforgeeks

