CSS |笔画限制属性

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/CSS-stroke-miterlimit-property/




stroke-miterlimit: number|initial|inherit


  • number: It is used to define the ratio limit. It can be any value greater than or equal to 1. The default value is 4.

    例 1:

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 CSS | stroke-miterlimit property     

            rect {             stroke-linejoin: miter;             stroke-width: 20px;             stroke: green;             fill: none;         }     



            CSS | stroke-miterlimit     

            Each angle of the square is of 90 degrees.         Increasing the miterlimit progressively         converts the miter joints to bevel ones.     


                    stroke-miterlimit: 1             

                    stroke-miterlimit: 2                      



    输出: with-square

    例 2:

    ```html <!DOCTYPE html>

                 CSS | stroke-miterlimit property     

            polygon {             stroke-linejoin: miter;             stroke-width: 8px;             stroke: green;             fill: none;         }     



            CSS | stroke-miterlimit     

            Each of the triangles have two angles         equal to 24 degrees and one angle          equal to 130 degrees. Increasing the         miterlimit progressively converts the         miter joints to bevel ones.     


                    stroke-miterlimit: 1             

                    stroke-miterlimit: 2             

                                 stroke-miterlimit: 3                      



    输出: with-triangle

  • 初始值:用于将属性设置为默认值。

  • inherit: 用于设置属性从其父元素继承。


  • 谷歌 Chrome
  • 火狐浏览器
  • 歌剧
  • Internet Explorer 9