
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/矩阵中回文路径数/



Input : mat[][] = {"aaab”, 
Output : 3

Number of palindromic paths are 3 from top-left to 
aaaaaa (0, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (1, 1) -> (1, 2) -> 
                                (1, 3) -> (2, 3)    
aaaaaa (0, 0) -> (0, 1) -> (0, 2) -> (1, 2) -> 
                                (1, 3) -> (2, 3)    
abaaba (0, 0) -> (1, 0) -> (1, 1) -> (1, 2) -> 
                                 (2, 2) -> (2, 3) 


我们可以递归地解决这个问题,我们从回文路径的两个角开始(左上角和右下角)。在每次递归调用中,我们保持一个状态,该状态将由两个单元组成,一个从开始,一个从结束,这对于回文属性应该是相等的。如果在一个状态下,两个单元格字符相等,那么我们递归调用,所有可能的移动都在两个方向上。 由于这可能导致多次求解同一个子问题,我们在下面的代码中取了一个映射 memo,它将带有关键字的计算结果存储为起始和结束单元格的索引,因此如果再次调用具有相同起始和结束单元格的子问题,结果将由 memo 直接返回,而不是再次重新计算。 为了更好的理解,请看下面的代码,

卡片打印处理机(Card Print Processor 的缩写)

// C++ program to get number of palindrome
// paths in matrix
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

#define R 3
#define C 4

// struct to represent state of recursion
// and key of map
struct cells
    //  indices of front cell
    int rs, cs;

    //  indices of end cell
    int re, ce;
    cells(int rs, int cs, int re, int ce)
        : rs(rs)
        , cs(cs)
        , re(re)
        , ce(ce)

    // operator overloading to compare two
    // cells which rs needed for map
    bool operator<(const cells& other) const
        return ((rs != other.rs) || (cs != other.cs)
                || (re != other.re) || (ce != other.ce));

// recursive method to return number
//  of palindromic paths in matrix
// (rs, cs) ==> Indices of current cell
//              from a starting point (First Row)
// (re, ce) ==> Indices of current cell
//              from a ending point (Last Row)
// memo     ==> To store results of
//              already computed problems
int getPalindromicPathsRecur(char mat[R][C],
                             int rs, int cs,
                             int re, int ce,
                             map<cells, int>& memo)
    // Base Case 1 : if any index rs out of boundary,
    // return 0
    if (rs < 0 || rs >= R || cs < 0 || cs >= C)
        return 0;
    if (re < 0 || re < rs || ce < 0 || ce < cs)
        return 0;

    // Base case 2 : if values are not equal
    // then palindrome property rs not satisfied,
    // so return 0
    if (mat[rs][cs] != mat[re][ce])
        return 0;

    // If we reach here, then matrix cells are same.

    // Base Case 3 : if indices are adjacent then
    // return 1
    if (abs((rs - re) + (cs - ce)) <= 1)
        return 1;

    //  if result rs precalculated, return from map
    if (memo.find(cells(rs, cs, re, ce))
        != memo.end())
        return memo[cells(rs, cs, re, ce)];

    int ret = 0; // Initialize result

    // calling recursively for all possible movements
    ret += getPalindromicPathsRecur(mat, rs + 1,
                                    cs, re - 1,
                                    ce, memo);
    ret += getPalindromicPathsRecur(mat, rs + 1,
                                    cs, re,
                                    ce - 1, memo);
    ret += getPalindromicPathsRecur(mat, rs,
                                    cs + 1, re - 1,
                                    ce, memo);
    ret += getPalindromicPathsRecur(mat, rs,
                                    cs + 1, re,
                                    ce - 1, memo);

    // storing the calculated result in map
    memo[cells(rs, cs, re, ce)] = ret;

    return ret;

//  method returns number of palindromic paths in matrix
int getPalindromicPaths(char mat[R][C])
    map<cells, int> memo;
    return getPalindromicPathsRecur(mat, 0, 0, R - 1, C - 1,

//  Driver code
int main()
    char mat[R][C] = { 'a', 'a', 'a',
                      'b', 'b', 'a',
                       'a', 'a', 'a',
                      'b', 'b', 'a' };
    printf("%d", getPalindromicPaths(mat));

    return 0;



*时间复杂度:* O((R x C) 2

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