



注意:链表被认为具有从 1 开始的索引。 也就是说,链表中的第一个元素位于位置 1。


Input : List = 99->11->22->33
Output : 11->33

Input : List = 90->10->20->30
Output : 10->30

想法是开始使用count变量遍历循环链表,以跟踪当前节点的位置。 如果当前节点位于奇数位置,则使用“从循环链表中删除节点”中讨论的方法删除该节点。


// Function to delete that all 
// node whose index position is odd 
void DeleteAllOddNode(struct Node** head) 
    int len = Length(*head); 
    int count = 0; 
    struct Node *previous = *head, *next = *head; 

    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nDelete Last List is empty\n"); 

    // if list have single node means 
    // odd position then delete it 
    if (len == 1) { 

    // traverse first to last if 
    // list have more than one node 
    while (len > 0) { 
        // delete first position node 
        // which is odd position 
        if (count == 0) { 

            // Function to delete first node 

        // check position is odd or not 
        // if yes then delete node 
        if (count % 2 == 0 && count != 0) { 
            deleteNode(*head, previous); 

        previous = previous->next; 
        next = previous->next; 




给出一个循环单链表。 任务是删除此列表中偶数位置的所有节点。 也就是从第二个节点开始,交替删除列表中的所有节点。


Input : List = 99->11->22->33
Output : 99->22

Input : List = 90->10->20->30
Output : 90->20

注意:链表被认为具有从 1 开始的索引。 也就是说,链表中的第一个元素位于位置 1。

这个想法是使用count变量开始遍历循环链表,以跟踪当前节点的位置。 如果当前节点处于偶数位置,则使用“从循环链表中删除节点”中讨论的方法删除该节点。


// Function to delete all even position nodes 
void DeleteAllEvenNode(struct Node** head) 
    // Take size of list 
    int len = Length(*head); 

    int count = 1; 
    struct Node *previous = *head, *next = *head; 

    // Check list is empty 
    // if empty simply return 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nList is empty\n"); 

    // if list have single node 
    // then return 
    if (len < 2) { 

    // make first node is previous 
    previous = *head; 

    // make second node is current 
    next = previous->next; 

    while (len > 0) { 
        // check node number is even 
        // if node is even then 
        // delete that node 
        if (count % 2 == 0) { 
            previous->next = next->next; 
            previous = next->next; 
            next = previous->next; 





// CPP program to delete all even and odd position 
// nodes from Singly Circular Linked list 

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 

// structure for a node 
struct Node { 
    int data; 
    struct Node* next; 

// Function return number of nodes present in list 
int Length(struct Node* head) 
    struct Node* current = head; 
    int count = 0; 
    // if list is empty simply return length zero 
    if (head == NULL) { 
        return 0; 
    // traverse forst to last node 
    else { 
        do { 
            current = current->next; 
        } while (current != head); 
    return count; 

// Function print data of list 
void Display(struct Node* head) 
    struct Node* current = head; 

    // if list is empty simply show message 
    if (head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nDisplay List is empty\n"); 
    // traverse forst to last node 
    else { 
        do { 
            printf("%d ", current->data); 
            current = current->next; 
        } while (current != head); 

/* Function to insert a node at the end of  
a Circular linked list */
void Insert(struct Node** head, int data) 
    struct Node* current = *head; 
    // Create a new node 
    struct Node* newNode = new Node; 

    // check node is created or not 
    if (!newNode) { 
        printf("\nMemory Error\n"); 
    // insert data into newly created node 
    newNode->data = data; 

    // check list is empty 
    // if not have any node then 
    // make first node it 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        newNode->next = newNode; 
        *head = newNode; 
    } // if list have already some node 
    else { 
        // move firt node to last node 
        while (current->next != *head) { 
            current = current->next; 
        // put first or head node address in new node link 
        newNode->next = *head; 
        // put new node address into last node link(next) 
        current->next = newNode; 

// Utitlity function to delete a Node 
void deleteNode(struct Node* head_ref, struct Node* del) 
    struct Node* temp = head_ref; 
    // If node to be deleted is head node 

    if (head_ref == del) { 
        head_ref = del->next; 

    // traverse list till not found 
    // delete node 
    while (temp->next != del) { 
        temp = temp->next; 

    // copy address of node 
    temp->next = del->next; 

    // Finally, free the memory 
    // occupied by del 


// Function to delete First node of 
// Circular Linked List 
void DeleteFirst(struct Node** head) 
    struct Node *previous = *head, *next = *head; 
    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nList is empty\n"); 
    // check list have single node 
    // if yes then delete it and return 
    if (previous->next == previous) { 
        *head = NULL; 
    // traverse second to first 
    while (previous->next != *head) { 

        previous = previous->next; 
        next = previous->next; 
    // now previous is last node and 
    // next is first node of list 
    // first node(next) link address 
    // put in last node(previous) link 
    previous->next = next->next; 

    // make second node as head node 
    *head = previous->next; 

// Function to delete odd position nodes 
void DeleteAllOddNode(struct Node** head) 
    int len = Length(*head); 
    int count = 0; 
    struct Node *previous = *head, *next = *head; 

    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nDelete Last List is empty\n"); 

    // if list have single node means 
    // odd position then delete it 
    if (len == 1) { 

    // traverse first to last if 
    // list have more than one node 
    while (len > 0) { 
        // delete first position node 
        // which is odd position 
        if (count == 0) { 

            // Function to delete first node 

        // check position is odd or not 
        // if yes then delete node 
        // Note: Considered 1 based indexing 
        if (count % 2 == 0 && count != 0) { 
            deleteNode(*head, previous); 

        previous = previous->next; 
        next = previous->next; 



// Function to delete all even position nodes 
void DeleteAllEvenNode(struct Node** head) 
    // Take size of list 
    int len = Length(*head); 

    int count = 1; 
    struct Node *previous = *head, *next = *head; 

    // Check list is empty 
    // if empty simply return 
    if (*head == NULL) { 
        printf("\nList is empty\n"); 

    // if list have single node 
    // then return 
    if (len < 2) { 

    // make first node is previous 
    previous = *head; 

    // make second node is current 
    next = previous->next; 

    while (len > 0) { 
        // check node number is even 
        // if node is even then 
        // delete that node 
        if (count % 2 == 0) { 
            previous->next = next->next; 
            previous = next->next; 
            next = previous->next; 



// Driver Code 
int main() 
    struct Node* head = NULL; 
    Insert(&head, 99); 
    Insert(&head, 11); 
    Insert(&head, 22); 
    Insert(&head, 33); 
    Insert(&head, 44); 
    Insert(&head, 55); 
    Insert(&head, 66); 

    // Deleting Odd positioned nodes 
    printf("Initial List: "); 

    printf("\nAfter deleting Odd position nodes: "); 

    // Deleting Even positioned nodes 
    printf("\n\nInitial List: "); 

    printf("\nAfter deleting even position nodes: "); 

    return 0; 


// Java program to delete all even and odd position 
// nodes from Singly Circular Linked list 
class GFG 

// structure for a node 
static class Node 
    int data; 
    Node next; 

// Function return number of nodes present in list 
static int Length(Node head) 
    Node current = head; 
    int count = 0; 

    // if list is empty simply return length zero 
    if (head == null)  
        return 0; 

    // traverse forst to last node 
            current = current.next; 
        } while (current != head); 
    return count; 

// Function print data of list 
static void Display( Node head) 
    Node current = head; 

    // if list is empty simply show message 
    if (head == null)  
        System.out.printf("\nDisplay List is empty\n"); 

    // traverse forst to last node 
            System.out.printf("%d ", current.data); 
            current = current.next; 
        } while (current != head); 

/* Function to insert a node at the end of  
a Circular linked list */
static Node Insert(Node head, int data) 
    Node current = head; 
    // Create a new node 
    Node newNode = new Node(); 

    // check node is created or not 
    if (newNode == null)  
        System.out.printf("\nMemory Error\n"); 
        return null; 

    // insert data into newly created node 
    newNode.data = data; 

    // check list is empty 
    // if not have any node then 
    // make first node it 
    if (head == null) 
        newNode.next = newNode; 
        head = newNode; 
        return head; 

    // if list have already some node 
        // move firt node to last node 
        while (current.next != head) 
            current = current.next; 

        // put first or head node address in new node link 
        newNode.next = head; 

        // put new node address into last node link(next) 
        current.next = newNode; 
    return head; 

// Utitlity function to delete a Node 
static Node deleteNode(Node head_ref, Node del) 
    Node temp = head_ref; 

    // If node to be deleted is head node 
    if (head_ref == del)  
        head_ref = del.next; 

    // traverse list till not found 
    // delete node 
    while (temp.next != del)  
        temp = temp.next; 

    // copy address of node 
    temp.next = del.next; 
    return head_ref; 

// Function to delete First node of 
// Circular Linked List 
static Node DeleteFirst(Node head) 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 
    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (head == null)  
        System.out.printf("\nList is empty\n"); 
        return head; 

    // check list have single node 
    // if yes then delete it and return 
    if (previous.next == previous) 
        head = null; 
        return head; 

    // traverse second to first 
    while (previous.next != head) 
        previous = previous.next; 
        next = previous.next; 

    // now previous is last node and 
    // next is first node of list 
    // first node(next) link address 
    // put in last node(previous) link 
    previous.next = next.next; 

    // make second node as head node 
    head = previous.next; 
    return head; 

// Function to delete odd position nodes 
static Node DeleteAllOddNode(Node head) 
    int len = Length(head); 
    int count = 0; 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 

    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (head == null)  
        System.out.printf("\nDelete Last List is empty\n"); 
        return null; 

    // if list have single node means 
    // odd position then delete it 
    if (len == 1)  
        head = DeleteFirst(head); 
        return head; 

    // traverse first to last if 
    // list have more than one node 
    while (len > 0)  
        // delete first position node 
        // which is odd position 
        if (count == 0)  

            // Function to delete first node 
            head = DeleteFirst(head); 

        // check position is odd or not 
        // if yes then delete node 
        // Note: Considered 1 based indexing 
        if (count % 2 == 0 && count != 0)  
            head = deleteNode(head, previous); 

        previous = previous.next; 
        next = previous.next; 

    return head; 

// Function to delete all even position nodes 
static Node DeleteAllEvenNode( Node head) 
    // Take size of list 
    int len = Length(head); 

    int count = 1; 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 

    // Check list is empty 
    // if empty simply return 
    if (head == null) 
        System.out.printf("\nList is empty\n"); 
        return null; 

    // if list have single node 
    // then return 
    if (len < 2)  
        return null; 

    // make first node is previous 
    previous = head; 

    // make second node is current 
    next = previous.next; 

    while (len > 0) 

        // check node number is even 
        // if node is even then 
        // delete that node 
        if (count % 2 == 0) 
            previous.next = next.next; 
            previous = next.next; 
            next = previous.next; 

    return head; 

// Driver Code 
public static void main(String args[]) 
    Node head = null; 
    head = Insert(head, 99); 
    head = Insert(head, 11); 
    head = Insert(head, 22); 
    head = Insert(head, 33); 
    head = Insert(head, 44); 
    head = Insert(head, 55); 
    head = Insert(head, 66); 

    // Deleting Odd positioned nodes 
    System.out.printf("Initial List: "); 

    System.out.printf("\nAfter deleting Odd position nodes: "); 
    head = DeleteAllOddNode(head); 

    // Deleting Even positioned nodes 
    System.out.printf("\n\nInitial List: "); 

    System.out.printf("\nAfter deleting even position nodes: "); 
    head = DeleteAllEvenNode(head); 

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu 


// C# program to delete all even and  
// odd position nodes from  
// Singly Circular Linked list 
using System; 

class GFG 

// structure for a node 
class Node 
    public int data; 
    public Node next; 

// Function return number of nodes 
// present in list 
static int Length(Node head) 
    Node current = head; 
    int count = 0; 

    // if list is empty simply return 
    // length zero 
    if (head == null)  
        return 0; 

    // traverse forst to last node 
            current = current.next; 
        } while (current != head); 
    return count; 

// Function print data of list 
static void Display( Node head) 
    Node current = head; 

    // if list is empty simply show message 
    if (head == null)  
        Console.Write("\nDisplay List is empty\n"); 

    // traverse forst to last node 
            Console.Write("{0} ", current.data); 
            current = current.next; 
        } while (current != head); 

/* Function to insert a node at the end of  
a Circular linked list */
static Node Insert(Node head, int data) 
    Node current = head; 

    // Create a new node 
    Node newNode = new Node(); 

    // check node is created or not 
    if (newNode == null)  
        Console.Write("\nMemory Error\n"); 
        return null; 

    // insert data into newly created node 
    newNode.data = data; 

    // check list is empty 
    // if not have any node then 
    // make first node it 
    if (head == null) 
        newNode.next = newNode; 
        head = newNode; 
        return head; 

    // if list have already some node 
        // move firt node to last node 
        while (current.next != head) 
            current = current.next; 

        // put first or head node address 
        // in new node link 
        newNode.next = head; 

        // put new node address into 
        // last node link(next) 
        current.next = newNode; 
    return head; 

// Utitlity function to delete a Node 
static Node deleteNode(Node head_ref, 
                       Node del) 
    Node temp = head_ref; 

    // If node to be deleted is head node 
    if (head_ref == del)  
        head_ref = del.next; 

    // traverse list till not found 
    // delete node 
    while (temp.next != del)  
        temp = temp.next; 

    // copy address of node 
    temp.next = del.next; 
    return head_ref; 

// Function to delete First node of 
// Circular Linked List 
static Node DeleteFirst(Node head) 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 

    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (head == null)  
        Console.Write("\nList is empty\n"); 
        return head; 

    // check list have single node 
    // if yes then delete it and return 
    if (previous.next == previous) 
        head = null; 
        return head; 

    // traverse second to first 
    while (previous.next != head) 
        previous = previous.next; 
        next = previous.next; 

    // now previous is last node and 
    // next is first node of list 
    // first node(next) link address 
    // put in last node(previous) link 
    previous.next = next.next; 

    // make second node as head node 
    head = previous.next; 
    return head; 

// Function to delete odd position nodes 
static Node DeleteAllOddNode(Node head) 
    int len = Length(head); 
    int count = 0; 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 

    // check list have any node 
    // if not then return 
    if (head == null)  
        Console.Write("\nDelete Last List is empty\n"); 
        return null; 

    // if list have single node means 
    // odd position then delete it 
    if (len == 1)  
        head = DeleteFirst(head); 
        return head; 

    // traverse first to last if 
    // list have more than one node 
    while (len > 0)  
        // delete first position node 
        // which is odd position 
        if (count == 0)  

            // Function to delete first node 
            head = DeleteFirst(head); 

        // check position is odd or not 
        // if yes then delete node 
        // Note: Considered 1 based indexing 
        if (count % 2 == 0 && count != 0)  
            head = deleteNode(head, previous); 

        previous = previous.next; 
        next = previous.next; 

    return head; 

// Function to delete all even position nodes 
static Node DeleteAllEvenNode( Node head) 
    // Take size of list 
    int len = Length(head); 

    int count = 1; 
    Node previous = head, next = head; 

    // Check list is empty 
    // if empty simply return 
    if (head == null) 
        Console.Write("\nList is empty\n"); 
        return null; 

    // if list have single node 
    // then return 
    if (len < 2)  
        return null; 

    // make first node is previous 
    previous = head; 

    // make second node is current 
    next = previous.next; 

    while (len > 0) 

        // check node number is even 
        // if node is even then 
        // delete that node 
        if (count % 2 == 0) 
            previous.next = next.next; 
            previous = next.next; 
            next = previous.next; 

    return head; 

// Driver Code 
public static void Main(String []args) 
    Node head = null; 
    head = Insert(head, 99); 
    head = Insert(head, 11); 
    head = Insert(head, 22); 
    head = Insert(head, 33); 
    head = Insert(head, 44); 
    head = Insert(head, 55); 
    head = Insert(head, 66); 

    // Deleting Odd positioned nodes 
    Console.Write("Initial List: "); 

    Console.Write("\nAfter deleting Odd position nodes: "); 
    head = DeleteAllOddNode(head); 

    // Deleting Even positioned nodes 
    Console.Write("\n\nInitial List: "); 

    Console.Write("\nAfter deleting even position nodes: "); 
    head = DeleteAllEvenNode(head); 

// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji 


Initial List: 99 11 22 33 44 55 66 
After deleting Odd position nodes: 11 33 55 

Initial List: 11 33 55 
After deletin even position nodes: 11 55

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