计算边长不超过 N 的三角形数量

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/count-边长不超过-n 的可能三角形数/

给定一个整数 N ,任务是找出直角三角形的总数,这些直角三角形可以形成为三角形任意一边的长度最多为 N

直角三角形满足以下条件:X2+Y2= Z2T7【其中 Z 代表斜边的长度,X 和 Y 代表剩余两条边的长度。


输入: N = 5 输出: 1 解释: 形成直角三角形的边的唯一可能组合是{3,4,5}。

输入: N = 10 输出: 2 解释: 形成直角三角形的边的可能组合是{3,4,5}和{6,8,10}。




// C++ implementation of
// the above approach

using namespace std;

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle
int right_angled(int n)
    // Initialise count with 0
    int count = 0;

    // Run three nested loops and
    // check all combinations of sides
    for (int z = 1; z <= n; z++) {
        for (int y = 1; y <= z; y++) {
            for (int x = 1; x <= y; x++) {

                // Condition for right
                // angled triangle
                if ((x * x) + (y * y) == (z * z)) {

                    // Increment count

    return count;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given N
    int n = 5;

    // Function Call
    cout << right_angled(n);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of 
// the above approach
import java.io.*;

class GFG{

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle
static int right_angled(int n)

    // Initialise count with 0
    int count = 0;

    // Run three nested loops and
    // check all combinations of sides
    for(int z = 1; z <= n; z++)
        for(int y = 1; y <= z; y++)
            for(int x = 1; x <= y; x++)

                // Condition for right
                // angled triangle
                if ((x * x) + (y * y) == (z * z))

                    // Increment count
    return count;

// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)

    // Given N
    int n = 5;

    // Function call

// This code is contributed by code_hunt

Python 3

# Python implementation of 
# the above approach

# Function to count total
# number of right angled triangle
def right_angled(n):

    # Initialise count with 0
    count = 0

    # Run three nested loops and
    # check all combinations of sides
    for z in range(1, n + 1):
        for y in range(1, z + 1):
            for x in range(1, y + 1):

                # Condition for right
                # angled triangle
                if ((x * x) + (y * y) == (z * z)):

                    # Increment count
                    count += 1

    return count

# Driver Code

# Given N
n = 5

# Function call

# This code is contributed by code_hunt


// C# implementation of
// the above approach
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle
static int right_angled(int n)

    // Initialise count with 0
    int count = 0;

    // Run three nested loops and
    // check all combinations of sides
    for(int z = 1; z <= n; z++)
        for(int y = 1; y <= z; y++)
            for(int x = 1; x <= y; x++)

                // Condition for right
                // angled triangle
                if ((x * x) + (y * y) == (z * z))

                    // Increment count
    return count;

// Driver Code
public static void Main(string[] args)

    // Given N
    int n = 5;

    // Function call

// This code is contributed by rutvik_56

java 描述语言

// javascript implementation of 
// the above approach

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle
function right_angled(n)

    // Initialise count with 0
    var count = 0;

    // Run three nested loops and
    // check all combinations of sides
    for(z = 1; z <= n; z++)
        for(y = 1; y <= z; y++)
            for(x = 1; x <= y; x++)

                // Condition for right
                // angled triangle
                if ((x * x) + (y * y) == (z * z))

                    // Increment count
    return count;

// Driver code
//Given N
var n = 5;

// Function call

// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar



时间复杂度:O(N3) 辅助空间: O(1)


  1. 迭代到 N 并生成两对可能的两边长度,使用关系x2+y2= z2T9】找到第三条边
  2. 如果 sqrt(x 2 +y 2 )被发现是一个整数,将这三个相关的整数按照排序的顺序存储在一个集合中,因为它们可以形成一个直角三角形。
  3. 打印所需计数的器械包最终尺寸。



// C++ implementation of the
// above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle
int right_angled(int n)
    // Consider a set to store
    // the three sides
    set<pair<int, pair<int, int> > > s;

    // Find possible third side
    for (int x = 1; x <= n; x++) {
        for (int y = 1; y <= n; y++) {

            // Condition for a right
            // angled triangle
            if (x * x + y * y <= n * n) {
                int z = sqrt(x * x + y * y);

                // Check if the third side
                // is an integer
                if (z * z != (x * x + y * y))

                vector<int> v;

                // Push the three sides
                v.push_back(sqrt(x * x + y * y));

                sort(v.begin(), v.end());

                // Insert the three sides in
                // the set to find unique triangles
                s.insert({ v[0], { v[1], v[2] } });

    // return the size of set
    return s.size();

// Driver code
int main()
    // Given N
    int n = 5;

    // Function Call
    cout << right_angled(n);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of the
// above approach
import java.util.*;

class Pair<F, S>

    // First member of pair
    private F first;

    // Second member of pair
    private S second;

    public Pair(F first, S second)
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;

class GFG{

// Function to count total
// number of right angled triangle    
public static int right_angled(int n)

    // Consider a set to store
    // the three sides
             Integer>>> s = new HashSet<Pair<Integer,

    // Find possible third side
    for(int x = 1; x <= n; x++)
        for(int y = 1; y <= n; y++)

            // Condition for a right
            // angled triangle
            if (x * x + y * y <= n * n)
                int z = (int)Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

                // Check if the third side
                // is an integer
                if (z * z != (x * x + y * y))

                Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<Integer>();

                // Push the three sides
                v.add((int)Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y));


                // Add the three sides in
                // the set to find unique triangles
                s.add(new Pair<Integer,
                      new Pair<Integer,

    // Return the size of set
    return s.size() - 1;

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)

    // Given N
    int n = 5;

    // Function call

// This code is contributed by grand_master



时间复杂度:O(N2) 辅助空间: O(1)